Okay Ill admit you should take this with some salt, BUT after the latest Exterminatus leak with a Necron warrior with a new weapon I don’t know which way is up anymore.
First checkout this pic, is that a conversion OR a new weapon option in plastic for Necron Warriors?
Codex Necrons:
Crammed into the GW schedule right before the new year.
Pre-orders Dec. 19th
Street date: Dec 26th
(Previous chatter from last month says first week of January)
Little to no new models (a la Grey Knights)
(scattered chatter says perhaps 1 character clampack and 1 Destroyer/DestroyerLord plastic kit)
Look for Nerfs to the following:
Doom Scythes
Night Scythes
Tesla will get an overhaul to their rules.
Deathray will receive a big overhaul to how it targets models.
Characters remain fundamentally unchanged.
The Stormlord will recieve a Necron themed orbital bombardment of some type once per game.
Warlord Traits are good with some granting individual units USRs, while another listed granted an improved version of Reanimation Protocols
Secondary Necron Rumors:
Necron Lords multipart plastic kit. Allows multiple build options.
Necron Destroyer plastic box (3 models), Lord bits included.
Flayed Ones plastic box. (5 models)
Cryptek plastic Clampack
Which way is up, and what heck will Games Workshop release in 2015???? -MBG