So many Necrons so, little time.
Since we’re headed into primo rumor window time for the new codex, so I figured it was a good time to go back and review the whole string of Necron rumors for the last few months, and get a fresh read about what may really be in the new book.
So here we go, but watch out it’s a long read….
via Lords of War 10-10-2014
-The Necrons will see the release of a Necron lord.
-They will recieve a codex in January.
via BoLS 12-11-2014
Codex Necrons:Schedule
Crammed into the GW schedule right before the new year.
Pre-orders Dec. 19th
Street date: Dec 26th
(Previous chatter from last month says first week of January)Models
Little to no new models (a la Grey Knights)
(scattered chatter says perhaps 1 character clampack and 1 Destroyer/DestroyerLord plastic kit)Rules
Look for Nerfs to the following:Doom Scythes
Night ScythesTesla will get an overhaul to their rules.
Deathray will receive a big overhaul to how it targets models.Characters remain fundamentally unchanged.
The Stormlord will recieve a Necron themed orbital bombardment of some type once per game.Warlord Traits are good with some granting individual units USRs, while another listed granted an improved version of Reanimation Protocols
Rumors are rated: Above-Average, coming from known and unknown sources.
via Shield of Baal: Exterminatus 12-12-2014
via Forge the Narrative 12-13-2014
via Darnok 12-23-2014
Necrons will hit on the 31th of January (so advance orders are up on the previous Friday, the 23rd). Codex, clampack character, and an army box – the latter probably a bit after the book/character.
via Nostromodamus on 12-27-2014
There will be a plastic Cryptek along with a new Destroyer Lord. That is all I am aware of for Necrons at this time. Don’t count on too many new units until the ranges are fully converted to plastic.
via Danboy Jack on Faeit 212
Rated ‘Questionable’ for one time sourcing and friend of a friend references.
Necron rumors I heard are pretty dire, shop worker who is a close friend of mine got this info while he was up hq for some training purposes last week.
Gauss will now on a roll of a six be double strength against vehicles so rifles str8, the immortal ones str 10 instead of auto glancing.
the stand back up rule is gone now all necrons have a 5+ invuln save made better by a res orb by +1 on troops and +2 on characters because they have removed the 3+ invuln item res orbs 5pts dearer.
He also saw a change/notes for both flayed ones and scarabs but didn’t have time to read them properly other than scarabs do two things on a 5 and a 6 now. I’m guessing an armour point gone on only a 5 now and maybe a glance on a 6? That’s speculation on my part.
Please i’m just repeating what i was told today he’s a bit of a joker my mate but he really was up there last week as some other guy was covering the shop.
via Faeit 1-08-15
Rated ‘Questionable’ for anon sourcing, and speculative nature.
I just saw this latest post about Necrons and it’s not true at all. I don’t know where this guy came up with his stuff but I suspect the source is just making it up.
I should start by confirming that tesla is changing like everyone has been saying. Look
to spacewolves to see how your 6’s don’t work on snap firing.The first new thing is a new MC that the Necrons are getting called the Necromancer. Str 6
tough 7 like a bigger destroyer lord. It’s a jump character but does so through phasing in and out of reality(dimensional door is the rule, similar to how deathmarks work). The Str 6 is unmodified, so when you use it with a warscythe it gets bumped up to 8. I don’t know how many wounds it has but I hear it has a resurrection orb effect for everything within 12 inches of it kinda like the rules in death from the skies on the flyers.The second
unit I heard about is a new monolith, finally. The new one is like a mix of the
super heavy obelisk and the regular monolith. It’s able to fire its ordnance
weapon AND shoot its side weapons at full ballistic skill but ONLY at flyers,
FMCs, skimmers, and jetbikes.Other than that still the same, but one big rule shift is that melta doesn’t work against living metal anymore… again. So Necrons rejoice in your renewed durability.
Via Scanner On the End Times 4 Thread 01-12-2015
via Forge the Narrative 01-17-2015
via Forge the Narrative 01-18-2015
via TKoS on Faeit 212 01-18-2015
I have your first Necron leak for you.
There will be a few new rules but no new units (And the obligatory 7th Ed “Balance” that we have all come to know and love)
a grand total of 12 hot new formations, ranging from mostly chaff to absolutely broken.
One of the bigger changes is that Cryptexs and Necron Lords now occupy an HQ slot of their own. For every HQ character in your list, you are allowed to take one of the new Cryptex/Lord detachment (ala warlock council) which is between one and five characters each.
The old royal courts we know and love are gone, but are now a formation (Aptly called a Royal Court) consisting of an Overlord, 1+ Cryptexs, and 1+ Lords.
The Overlord may not take a Command Barge, and all the characters are clumped into one unit.
+1 to reanimation protocol (which is not going away or changing) which stacks with a resurrection orb, and some other buffs that I can’t remember, but one had to do with phaerons (Oh, and any phaeron in your detachment MUST be your overlord).via Archibald_TK 1-19-2015
Necrons have a whole new way to build an army! The Decurion. It’s both opening a lot of options and restrictive at the same time, as weird as it sounds. You can use it instead of normal FoC if you want. also keep in mind that it’s the usual me reading the WD super fast when I have the time so there may be mistakes:
You basically can chose a base formation that includes all of your basic units.
It must contain: – 1 Overlord (or Zandrek, Anraky, Trazyn or a Barge), 2 units of Warriors, 1 of Immortal and 1 of Tomb Blades.
You lose Objectives Secured, Overlord and all units from this formation within 12″ reroll 1 to Protocols, and two fluffy but not usually useful rules: Move through Cover and Relentless (in case you really want to charge with your Warriors/Immortals after shooting =/, which is funny because even in the WD they realize it’s the only use).
You can add 6 units of Warriors, 3 of Immortals, 2 Lychguards, 2 Tomb Blades if I remember correctly and 3 Monoliths.
No reroll on the Warlord table for it, probably because it’s not really a normal detachment.Once done you can add a Royal court formation: 1 Overlord (same as previously except it can be the Stormlord now), up to 3 Cryptek and up to 3 Lords.
Then, you can add up to 10 of the available formations, which are all about a theme, in any number if I’ve read it right, (which I’ll be able to confirm later today) so you can go full Destroyer if you want for example:
– One is 1 Destroyer Lord, 3 units of Destroyer, and can add 1 unit of Heavy Destroyers (Ohhhhhhhhh, they are no longer Destroyer upgrades?).
– One allow you to add a Nightbringer Shard, Deceiver Shard, ACtan or Vault. (Ohhhhhhhh, they refer to the shards by their name!)
– One is 2 Annihilation Barge and a Doomsday Ark
– I think there is one with an Obelisk and 2 Monoliths.
– One is 1 Spyder, 1 unit of Wraiths, 1 of Scarabs
– 1 Stalker and 2 Praetorians
– 1 unit of Deathmarks (yup, just 1 if I remember right)
– 1 unit of Flayed Ones
– One is up to 4 Doom Scythes (remember folks, I go from memory so I may be messing up numbers)
And so on, I have no idea if these formations can be taken outside of the Decurion, as I didn’t have enough time to read in detail. Also I’m pretty sure that there are no Night Scythes and Ghost Arks formations, thus they shall still be dedicated transports I suppose.Also I do not expect anything else for the Necrons as the end of the WD refer for the following week to “Dance of Death”.
Via Faeit 1-20-2015
This is from the new White Dwarf.
The Decurion Detachment is a new way of organizing Necrons. Formations are broken down into three groups, Command, Core, and Auxiliary.Command
Royal Court (0-1 per Reclamation Legion)
*1 Overlord/ Imotekh
*1-3 Lords
*1-3 CrypteksCore
Reclamation Legion 1+
*1 Overlord
*0-2 Lychguard
*1-4 Immortals
*2-8 Necron Warriors
*1-3 Tomb Blades
*0-3 MonolithsAuxiliary 1-10 choices per Reclamation Legion
Destroyer Cult
*Destroyer Lord
*3 Destroyers
*0-1 Heavy DestroyersJudicator Battalion
*1 Triarch Stalkers
*2 Triarch PraetoriansAnnihilation Nexus
*2 Annihilation Barges
*1 Doomsday ArkFlayed Ones
*1 Flayed OnesDeathmarks
*1 DeathmarksCanoptek Harvest
*1 Canoptek Spyder
*1 Canoptek Wraiths
*1 Canoptek ScarabsStar-God
*1 C’tan Shard of the Deceiver, Nightbringer, Transcedent C’tan, or Tesseract VaultLiving Tomb
*1 Obelisk
*0-2 MonolithsDeathbringer Flight
* 2-4 Doom ScythesVia La Taberna De Laurana
1-21-2015(translated) Yes, friends, if we begin a new day and, as you we promised through our page on Facebook , we started very strong, for tonight, and so far this morning to this afternoon (now, CET Spanish ) being a prolific time in terms of information! So here we go with everything! – In premiere, thanks to an anonymous source in the mail the blog, we finally here is cover of WD Week # 52 on the Necrons !
Via La Taberna De Laurana
(translated) Yes, friends, if we begin a new day and, as you we promised through our page on Facebook , we started very strong, for tonight, and so far this morning to this afternoon (now, CET Spanish ) being a prolific time in terms of information! So here we go with everything! – In premiere, thanks to an anonymous source in the mail the blog, we finally here is cover of WD Week # 52 on the Necrons !
Via the Mexican Ork 1-21-2015
via Primarch Lost in the Warp 1-21-2015
Here are the special rules for a Reclamation Legion
Move through cover
Enhanced Reanimation Protocols: Re-roll reanimation protocols of a 1 within 12 inches of the overlord
The overlord may be replaced with Nemesor, Trazyn, Anrakyr or a Catacomb Command barge
Reclamation Legion
*1 Overlord
*0-2 Lychguard
*1-4 Immortals
*2-8 Necron Warriors
*1-3 Tomb Blades
*0-3 Monoliths
via Archibald_TK on Warseer 01-21-2015
Regarding the CTans, WD seems to really make a difference between Shards of the Deceiver, Nightbringer, Trans CTan and the Vault. This is how their power work:
– During the shooting phase, chose an enemy unit.
– Roll a D6 or pick a card to determine the attack it suffers.
– The randomness represents the CTan basically doing whatever he wants when released on a battlefield.
– Each attack comes in 2 Flavors.
– The first one, supposedly already devastating, is used by the two shards and the Trans CTan.
– The second one, that appears to be the powerful Apocalypse effect, is for the Vault.
{not 100% Necron Releated, but…}
via TKoS on Faeit 212
The decurion detachment will not be a Necron only thing. The standard FOC
was designed with the Space Marine company structure in mind, and GW has
been toying around with new ways to building fluffy armies. Looking back
the Archangel Strikeforce from Shield of Ball, this can can be seen as a
prototype for a decurion detachment.
IG will be getting their own decurion in a dataslate some time in the
future, and the Necron force from IA12 will be getting one as well. Expect
2-6 warriors, 1-6 flayed ones, and 1-3 charnel scarabs, but this is just
Expect more decuron formations to pop up in expansions and future codex
updates, but don’t think FOC charts are going away. Decurion formations
will become the new “fluffy” lists; options that more closely adhere to the
quirks and idiosyncrasies of specific Warlords or factions.