RUMORS: New Orks Faction 40k Rules for 9th Edition

By Andrew Schrank | July 16th, 2021 | Categories: Orks, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

new-orks-rulesAll the new 9th edition Orks updated Clan faction 40k rules have been spotted online, and while these are not confirmed, they look pretty good so far.

Originally these seem to have come from a Discord group, but we spotted them online via Imgur. Yesterday GW also gave us a look at the Snakebites, (that matched these rumors) So it’s possible that means these may be legit.

RUMORS: New Orks Faction 40k Rules for 9th Edition

Blood Axes Clan: First off Blood Axes are of course sneaky, and their rules seem to really reflect that. Their trait allows 3 of them to redeploy without restrictions or CP costs, making it an extremely good strategic tool.

Bloodaxes extra rules rumor

Their Stratagem is similarly as valuable, allowing a unit to redeploy if they are near the table edge. Lastly, the Relic is just a nice CP battery throughout the game.

Goff Clan:

Goff extra rules rumor

This faction sticks to its roots and commits to the melee plan. First off it looks like the trait gets an extra attack and AP in melee, which can be a nice bonus for some of the melee-focused models.

Their relic is essentially free Mortal wounds in melee, which is a nice bonus assuming they can stick around. The Carnage stratagem on the other hand looks a little murky until we see the faction rules, but triggering their Kultur (mukkin’ about) on a 5+ to explode hits could be super good with stacking other benefits.

Snakebite Clan:

Snakebite extra rules rumor

The interesting part about this has GW just gave us some of the faction rules for Snakebites. If you are interested in GW official reveals from Thursday the 15th, you can check here.

Surly as a Squiggoth looks ok with a 50% chance to revive at the end of the phase, if this can happen more than once, it might be very annoying to deal with, and a 1CP deny psychic power strat is poised to see a lot of use if true.

Buzz bomb looks pretty good with a decent amount of hits and pumping out mortal wounds on chaff.

Bad Moons Clan:

Badmoons extra rules rumor

The Warlord trait seems fantastic, +1 to their save and a 4+ invulvn is hard to pass up, especially if the warlord wouldn’t otherwise have an invuln at all. The Stratagem seems ok, but nothing special, we’ve seen this mechanic plenty of times before. The relic is essentially an amped-up flamer with 18″ range, which can be nice in the right situation.

Deathskulls Clan:

Deathskulls extra rules rumor

The Warlord trait looks decent if your opponent is playing with tons of auras and tries to protect them. They also gain CP when destroying nearby vehicles which can be a nice bonus.

The stratagem is expensive at 2 CP but can come in clutch if you really need to destroy a specific vehicle. Lastly, the relic and the end of the last sentence should read “when being repaired. Select enemy vehicles within 12″ it suffers D3 mortal wounds.”

This looks decent, especially if you are running lots of vehicles to have options for mortal wounds placement.

Evil Sunz Clan:

Evil sunz extra rules rumorThe stratagem seems decent, gaining a free move at the end of shooting could make some shooty vehicles very hard to deal with, being essentially immune to short-range weapons.  Or bounce back behind/ into cover.

The relic looks ok with a simple +2″ movement. This last section is a little confusing though. Is this the warlord trait, faction rule, or even part of the relic? In any case, it is an extremely powerful bonus to have in a list, allowing for you to save some models by getting attacks in at full strength first.

Beast-Snaggas-Orks-PreviewsAll in all, these seem pretty specific and possibly legit. Maybe someone got their book early? In any case, these are still rumors and should be treated as such.

Are you excited about these rumored faction rules so far? Will you be trying to get the new Ork codex when it drops?

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