New 40k Plastic Gaunt’s Ghosts: Unboxing

By Travis Pasch | June 28th, 2021 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

Gaunt's Ghosts feature rThe plastic Gaunt’s Ghosts are here to show what Tanith is made of- check Rob’s unboxing and thoughts on the newest releases!

We’re back unboxing the new big releases for the Imperial Guard! Rob sees what it takes to get them ready for the tabletop, shows the size of the models, and tells you the GOTCHAS to be aware of when building them!

We are going to show you everything including the sprues, bits, and of course, the size. That way you can decide if this is worth your hard-earned hobby dollars.

New 40k Plastic Gaunt’s Ghosts: Unboxing

Gaunt’s Ghosts Box Set

Get Yours For Less From Amazon or Dicehead Games!

Gaunt's GhostsLuckily, GW has been upping their stock lately, so this is actually fairly easy to get, the one downside, it’s $65 for the set. Still, this is a unique set that will probably only field one of.

Rob also grabbed the new Cadian set, but he’s going to do them in another video.

Cadian upgrade sprueJust a quick look at the new sprue for the Cadian’s though. The new addition to the box looks so much better than the old one and detail-wise, it’s just way better. This did raise the price though, so getting more Cadian Guardsmen in general will cost a bit more now.


Gaunt's Ghosts instrucitonsFirst up, these come with the 28mm bases, so that’s something new. The instructions are in the new computer slice style, which makes the builds super easy. From looking at the instructions, there is only one option for all the minis to be different.  

Rob recommends using the Tamiya Extra Thin Cement to make these even easier.

Gaunt's Ghosts instrucitons 2They have some very interesting rules and would just be super fun to field!


Gaunt's Ghosts sprueThey are Easier to Build but are not push-fit or anything like that. You only get one sprue in the kit but everything looks super detailed! Overall, they are just very well done.

Built Minis

Gaunt's Ghosts builtThis was the only mini with an extra option, coming with 2 different heads. They are super detailed and Rob loves that they add in some terrain to the base.

Gaunt's Ghosts built 2They did a great job of posing these, so you don’t see the gaps, which just makes modeling them even easier.

Gaunt's Ghosts built 3The man, the myth, the legend! Who is he drawing a bead on this time?

Gaunt's Ghosts built 4


barrel drillingTry Again Bragg looks amazing, but the barrel isn’t drilled out. So, one easy way to get your barrels drilled out is to take a pushpin and make a hole in the middle.

Then take your pin vice and start drilling. Making the indent with the pushpin just stops you from going crazy with your pin vice. Just makes it way easier!

Gaunt's Ghosts built 5Corbec is one of the most dynamic of the group, second only to Gaunt! There is just so much detail put into these!

Gaunt's Ghosts built 6Last but not least, Gaunt himself! He has a lot going on, but man does he look sweet!

Size Comparison

They seem a little bigger than normal Guardsmen, but the FW ones are a little small.

Gaunt's Ghosts size 2Compared to the Sister (painted by Castlebrush), he’s almost the exact same size.

Gaunt's Ghosts size 3Surprisingly, he’s almost the same size as a Primaris, so they may be a little out of scale with your Guard army.

Gaunt's Ghosts size 4Rawne is a decent amount smaller but seems right on par with a Cadian.

Get Your Gaunt’s Ghosts Here

What do you think of the new box? Will you be picking them up?

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