New Ghazghkull Thraka Orks 40k Rules SPOTTED!

New Ghazghkull Thraka Orks 40k Rules SPOTTED!Don’t miss the new Ork Ghazghkull Thraka 40k rules for the 9th Edition Orks codex coming soon.

We knew that Orks were on the horizon, with models being revealed and Ghazghkull being one of the first datasheets to get spotted! Let’s check out the datasheet and compare it to the current one.

New Ghazghkull Thraka Orks 40k Rules SPOTTED!

There was an IKEA-style sheet of rules spotted recently, so let’s compare it to the old sheet and see what’s changed.

thraka old datasheet

Old rules

new ghaz datasheet

New Rules

New Bonuses: 

  • Mork’s roar now Rapid Fire (was Assault)
  • No degrading profile (keeps best stats always)


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    What we don’t know:

    • Unique Weapon Rules (blast?)?
    • Autopass nearby morale?
    • Invulnerable save?
    • Max wounds loss per round?
    • Rerolls and attack aura?

    Overall, Ghazghkull seems to be mostly the same, however, a lot of character’s power is in their abilities so we will have to wait and see. The max of 4 wounds loss per phase is huge for example.

    However, the no degrading profile is especially strong if he keeps it, since he’ll always have a big 7 attacks at S7 base. Mork’s Roar going to Rapid-fire might hurt unless he gets a rule to allow him to shoot after advancing, but it does provide more damage when it can fire.

    Ork Dok Feature

    Look for the Ork codex to get announced soon. As it’s probably one of the next major codex releases for 40k and assumed to be going on pre-order sometime after the Ad Mech codex.

    What rules changes do you want to see from the new Ork? Are you happy with the Gazghkull changes?

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