2 New Age of Sigmar Witch Hunters Revealed!

New AoS Preview Feature rIf a new Ork series isn’t for you, GW is also doing an Age of Sigmar Broken Realms preview series all April, check out the first new minis!

Warhammer Community just unveiled two new Witch Hunters for an upcoming Broken Realms book. The pair is a father-daughter duo who hunts for the Order of the Azyr and they are leading off the new series. They do mention we’ll see a new mini every week for the entire month, so we guess they just don’t like the New Model Monday name.

With a new 40k Orks preview and AoS one coming every week, April is bound to be full of cool minis. Let’s get into it.

New Age of Sigmar Broken Realms Preview Series

Warhammer Age of Sigmar fans rejoice! Every week this month, we’re showcasing a new miniature set to star in an upcoming Broken Realms book. What’s more, we’re kicking things off this week with a double-whammy – a father-and-daughter combo hailing from the witch-hunting Order of Azyr.

Nothing wrong with new minis! Hopefully, a lot of factions will be covered so everyone can get a little something to look forward to, but today they focus on the Cities of Sigmar.

Galen ven Denst

AoS Witch hunter preview


AoS Witch hunter preview 3This veteran witch hunter has seen hundreds of witches, heretics, and living dead burned at the stake during his illustrious career. Armed with a holy pistol and his trusty rune-etched broadsword, Galen ven Denst can slay the vilest creatures and even banish endless spells with a determined strike from his blessed weapons. He may be long in the tooth but, make no mistake, nothing gets between this grim huntsman and his quarry.

Looks like he’ll be able to do some serious damage in CC and get rid of endless spells. Overall the mini looks great and should be a fun addition to any Cities of Sigmar army. But he doesn’t go to battle alone, his daughter comes with him everywhere.

Doralia ven Denst

AoS Witch hunter preview 2


AoS Witch hunter preview 4Unlike her father, who prefers to look his prey in the eye as he slays them, Doralia hunts primarily with her enormous crossbow. Its consecrated bolts hit with murderous power, and Doralia is rightly feared for her unerring accuracy with her weapon of choice. 

However, more than one of her would-be killers made the error of thinking she can’t also handle a blade and found themselves disemboweled or bereft of a head.

You’ll get a mixture of long-range support and CC with the pair of witch hunters. They don’t mention any rules, but we assume she’ll be able to snipe characters with her crossbow. Either way, it’s a pretty sweet mini!

Are you excited about the new preview series for AoS? What do think about the new minis so far? 

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