New Age of Sigmar January FAQs Are Here

new-faq-lumithThe Age of Sigmar January FAQs have arrived for a ton of armies and a full base size FAQ. Check out if your favorite Faction is changing!

Warhammer Community dropped a bunch of new FAQs for Age of Sigmar. Some of the changes are bigger than others and they even put out a full FAQ for base sizes to make games more uniform. As well as some changes to the General’s Handbook.

age-of-sigmar-broken-realms morathiAoS has been getting a lot of love with the new Broken Realms expansions. But when things change, you know an FAQ is on the way. There is too much to go over every little change but you can grab all of your army’s changes here.

aos big faq FAQ NERF Bat & AoS Points Changes!

Just to note, they say they aren’t making points changes, so more just rules questions, and clarifications. We’ll get into the reasons for that below, but know that going into it. With that, let’s dive into it.

New Age of Sigmar January FAQs Are Here

AoS January FAQs


AoS January FAQs 2This is everything that is getting an FAQ/Designer’s Commentary this time around. They are not updating any points, there are a couple of changes in there indicated by a *, but these are the points from July. But it’s nice to make sure they are the same. They say this is due to a lack of events, but if you’re going to put out all these FAQs, why not listen to the players?

It’s pretty obvious some armies are far stronger than others, but we do also see the other side. Sometimes it is hard to gauge points and meta just based on what local gamers think. Maybe your friend is just really good at playing his army and overall they aren’t really that great. Even though their own meta-watch has certain units as very top tier, they just don’t feel that’s enough to go off.

They also say they are reserving the points changes until later in the year to make the big changes once more tournaments happen. So we’ll have to see if the summer brings more tournaments and some actual point changes…. otherwise what’s the point of the General’s Handbook?

Some of the Big Changes

Age of Sigmar Morathi FAQYou can now take whole armies of mortals from the wastes of the Varanspire, including Battleline units using the amazing Warcry models. With this update, they also gain access to a Mark of Chaos, so that they can synergize with loads of other units, abilities, and spells in your army while also opening up loads of opportunities for cool conversions.

It doesn’t look like this has been updated on the app quite yet, but this is pretty cool to see.

Base SizesWhile they aren’t making changes at this time, they released the base sizes for every unit basically. This is really nice for matched play to have as a reference for your entire army. Also, when they make changes to this, they will update it in magenta. They also answer a ton of questions about the Handbook itself, so that’s always good to see.

Other than that it’s a lot of minor changes, but definitely worth looking at for some rule clarification.

Check out all the changes here

What are your thoughts on no point changes? Were you hoping to see the met change with this FAQ?

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