New AoS Chaos Slaves to Darkness Battletome Rules Leaks

slaves-to-darkness-chaos-knights-army-book-boxHuge rules leaks for the upcoming AoS Slaves to Darkness Battletome are here with points, Warscrolls, and more- check it out!

We’ve seen some pretty big leaks already, but it’s always good to get more, especially with points included! The rules for Archaon are also in these leaks, so if you want to see what the big guy can do, you’re in luck!

Obviously, these are leaks, but with how close the book is to release, there shouldn’t be too many changes; but remember, nothing is set in stone or confirmed until Games Workshop sends the book out!

Massive AoS Chaos Slaves to Darkness Battletome Rules Leaks

The second round of new Chaos Slaves to Darkness Battletome rules leaks come from here on  Reddit; let’s check them out!

Slaves to Darkness LeaksAll four of the Grand Strategies are quite achievable, and the Battle tactics are also pretty doable. However, some might be hard for certain armies, as some will barely have three heroes or three units to charge!

Slaves to Darkness Leaks 2Nothing too crazy here, as it’s close to what we expected.

Slaves to Darkness Leaks 3Rolling two dice on the Eye of the Gods table is awesome, but so is adding 1 to your wound rolls, or getting a 4+ ward save from shooting!

Slaves to Darkness Leaks 4

Slaves to Darkness Leaks 5All 5 of these are decent and pretty flavorful to each god.

Slaves to Darkness Leaks 6It’s always good to see this table around; just be sure not to roll those double 1’s for your heroes, or they will still turn into a spawn.

Slaves to Darkness Leaks 7Last week we saw what the different legions did, and you can check those out here.

Death Dealer is just cool because of the classic Frank Frazetta art, and not to mention you get to fight again…

Slaves to Darkness Leaks 9Striking first is always nice, but so is getting buffs against another character!

Slaves to Darkness Leaks 10They have some pretty sweet spells!

New Warscrolls

Slaves to Darkness Leaks 15With five wounds, tons of special rules, and just everything you need! These guys are still quite strong, and we expect to see them around for a while.

Slaves to Darkness Leaks 12The Gorbeast Chariot is a fun model, and it has plenty of attacks and can ride over units and cause a bunch of wounds!

Slaves to Darkness Leaks 11The daemonic mount can put out some okay damage, but a lord with 10″ movement is always a scary prospect!

Slaves to Darkness Leaks 13This isn’t quite as beefy as the Gorbeast Chariot, but is much faster and still a fun addition.

Slaves to Darkness Leaks 14Last but not least is the Chaos Sorceror Lord on Manticore, and there’s not much cooler than a Sorceror on a Manticore!

AoS Chaos Slaves to Darkness Battletome Rules Leaks

The first round of new Chaos Slaves to Darkness Battletome rules leaks come from Reddit; let’s check them out!

AoS Slaves to Darkness Battletome Leaks Let’s start with the points! Archaon is staying super expensive at 860 points, but we’ll check out his scroll soon, so you can see if he is worth it. Chaos Warriors come in at 220 for 10 and 230 for 5 Knights, meaning they will continue to be an elite force.

AoS Slaves to Darkness Battletome LeaksVaranguard also stays quite expensive at 290 for three models, which makes the Host of the Everchosen even better.

AoS Slaves to Darkness Battletome Leaks Getting a Varanguard model back on a 4+ is insane… that’s all we have to say about that. Then Cabalists will turn your army into a magic machine!

AoS Slaves to Darkness Battletome Leaks Despoilers will make your monsters much tougher, and get more command traits. Knights of the Empty Throne is pretty awesome as you can run and charge, then your Varanguard can just be your general.

New Warscrolls

Archaon warscrollArchaon is insane! With 25 wounds, all the special rules, all the attacks, and a 5+ ward save. He’s going to be near impossible to take down, dish out all the damage, and even cast all the spells. just so much to go over.

AoS Slaves to Darkness Battletome Leaks The new knights get three wounds, each with a wide range of weapons and attacks. Plus, with their special rules, they can really get off a lot of damage when they charge.

AoS Slaves to Darkness Battletome Leaks Dark Master is a super cool ability, and on a 3+, you can take out an enemy hero for an entire turn and just mess up your opponent so much.

AoS Slaves to Darkness Battletome Leaks Chaos Warriors are also a really tough unit with plenty of attacks, and if you can get them into the enemy’s territory, they will be even better!

AoS Slaves to Darkness Battletome Leaks The Theridons have a ton of wounds, attacks, and plenty of damage. Then, if they are getting hit, they get stronger and once per game can unleash their fury and really smash through the enemy.

AoS Slaves to Darkness Battletome Leaks Last but not least, are Chosen. They can roll on the Eye of the Gods table and can even inflict mortal wounds!

With so many leaks and confirmed minis by GW, we hope the battletome stays on track for a December/Winter release!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should keep an eye out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

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