Trugg the Troggoth King Ironjawz & Orruk Warclans Rules LATEST

GW-Previews-trugg-troggoth-king-trogs-dawnbringers-aos-age-of-sigmar-novaTrugg the Troggoth King and new Orruks have been revealed at the NOVA Open GW preview; here is the latest!

This is what Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community had to say about the new Gloomspite Gitz and Orruk Warclans, along with our commentary on it as well!

NOVA Open 2023 Reveals!

Nova Open 2

This massive preview will cover Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, The Horus Heresy, Blood Bowl, Warhammer Underworlds, Warcry, and The Old World, making it a must-see for everyone.

A 9 p.m. preview on a Wednesday night here in the States, what a great time for some Warhammer!

Trugg, the Troggoth King, Gets Free AoS Rules & Warscroll

The latest on Trugg the Troggoth King Gets Free AoS Rules Warscroll Download comes from Warhammer Community.

Trugg the Troggoth King AoS Rules

Trugg is the real star of the show, a MONSTER in size (and keyword) with antlers sprouting from his throbbing bonce after centuries spent napping in the nurturing realm of Ghyran. These healing energies now flow through his veins, and he is Imbued with Life, sporting 16 wounds and adding 3 extra wounds to his Regeneration – that’s a total of D3+3 for anyone who isn’t a dedicated troggoth-head.

With 16 Wounds and insane regeneration, he should be hard to take off the board. Your opponent will basically have to kill him in one go, or he’ll just stick around with a ton of wounds.

Trugg the Troggoth King AoS Rules 2

The altar fused to Trugg’s back is currently on the blink after his repeated attempts to dislodge it. Every time he thumps it, it responds by dishing out magic from the realms. This Malfunctioning Leystone can either zap him with D3 mortal wounds if his clubbing triggers the Glyph of Shyish, improve the rend of his Ironshell Club and Mighty Antlers by 1 if the Glyph of Aqshy is activated, or grant him a steely ward save of 5+ should the Glyph of Chamon sparkle to life.

You get four dice when he’s not damaged, so you should have a decent chance at getting the effect you want. Then, if you get one you really like, you can keep the result for as long as you like.

They all are all quite good (well, obviously, other than rolling a 1) and can either give you more combat damage or plenty of survivability.

Trugg the Troggoth King AoS Rules 6Trugg the Troggoth King AoS Rules 7

For 320 points, he can dish out some insane punishment to big monsters, as his club gets four attacks when healthy, hits and wounds on a 3+, and does D6 damage per swing! His Antlers can also hit and wound on a 2+ and do D3+3 damage. Oh yeah, not to mention it can just outright kill characters with a single dice roll.

Troggherd Rules

Trugg the Troggoth King AoS Rules 3

This collection of dim but mighty Troggoths remains affected by The Bad Moon’s Orbit like any Gloomspite Gitz army. As the celestial object crosses the board it grants the Moonlit Hide trait to Troggoths it effects, but the biggest change is that Trugg’s Malfunctioning Leystone emits an Aura of Haywire Magic which applies all of those random effects to every single unit.

This is a pretty crazy rule as its effects get multiplied, meaning way more damage output!

Trugg the Troggoth King AoS Rules 4

The plodding procession following Trugg contains all sorts of special Troggbosses which can be represented by the Traits of Trugg’s Troggs and Dankhold Detritus – that’s command traits and artefacts to you. The former can even affect Unique units, meaning Ceaseless Growth can boost Regeneration and Greater Regeneration even further on Trugg, making him near impossible to put down.

They also all get better at regenerating, making your regiment much harder to kill.

Trugg the Troggoth King AoS Rules 5

The truculent troggoths following Trugg also tote an assortment of trinkets, such as the Thwackwheezer Club, which is riddled with sporeshroom fungi that explode on impact into clouds of spores that choke and befuddle opponents, causing them to subtract 1 from hit rolls and wound rolls if the bearer has fought in the same phase. 

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This is a massive debuff to all enemy units; you just get it on all of them!

New AoS Gloomspite Gitz Trugg the Troggoth King Revealed!

Troggoth King & Orruks RevealedIf you play Gitz and want a huge extra monster to bowl over your enemies, this is perfect!

Troggoth King & Orruks Revealed

Stirred into a state of semi-consciousness by Alarielle’s Rite of Life, Trugg was finally roused by the rambunctious caterwauling and clanging of the Rabble-Rowza Braggit Big-Talka. The arcane engine on his back sprung into action after he tried to dislodge it by smashing against a cave roof, and since then he’s been affected by the mother of all magical migraines.

Troggoth King & Orruks RevealedThey mention he hates magic and has a bunch of cool rules, but didn’t give too much info on the actual rules. But they do say he’s nearly impossible to kill.

Troggoth King & Orruks RevealedHe’s extremely old and just trying to get rid of magic so he can go back to sleep! What more do you want than that for a troll?

New Age of Sigmar Dawnbringers Crusade Book

Troggoth King & Orruks RevealedIn this book, they mention a huge presence of Troggs, Chaos, and more! The book also has a Troggoth Army of Renown to play an entire Troggoth army, which is just cool.

Free AoS Ironjawz Orruk Warclans Supplement PDF Rules Download

The free PDF supplement download for all the new AoS Ironjawz Orruk Warclans models is from Warhammer Community.

Let’s start with the three new models on Maw-Gruntas you can build from the one kit!

AoS Ironjawz rules 12

In battle, the Ironjawz make great use of the Unstoppable Momentum built up by these pigs. Unlike units with degrading profiles, Maw-gruntas are a slave to their own speed. At the start of every battle they have a momentum score of 1, which increases by D3 each time they run or charge – to a maximum of 6. You’ll have to keep moving, though, as it lowers by 1 at the end of every turn. 

Well, you want to run them as much as possible as this will not only increase their move but also their damage!

AoS Ironjawz rules 13

A Maw-grunta’s Move distance and melee characteristics both increase with its current momentum score, so Ironjawz have to know their ABCs: always be chargin’. When their momentum score is 4 or more, they become a Headlong Charger who can run and charge, making it easier to keep your momentum high as your big pig crashes through unit after unit.

If you run them for a second time, then you have a good chance of getting up to four-momentum, meaning you can also charge them and get even more!

AoS Ironjawz rulesThe Tuskboss has a good profile with plenty of attacks and damage, especially when you get a ton of momentum. Then, if you contact the enemy first, you get to re-roll charges for all your other Maw-Grunta units on the battlefield.

AoS Ironjawz rules 2Carve a Patch can let you smash through units and deal a bunch of wounds!

AoS Ironjawz rules 3This version has a slightly worse profile but still has all the benefits of the Tusk Boss when it comes to abilities.

AoS Ironjawz rules 5


AoS Ironjawz rules 4

AoS Ironjawz rules 6This is the leanest of the options and doesn’t have the crew, but it can still deal a decent amount of damage, is quite tough, and gets a different Monstrous Rampage. Flattened into the Mud can also force the enemy to strike last, which is always strong.

Ardboy Big Boss & Zoggrok Anvilsmasha Rules

AoS Ironjawz rules 7The Ardboy is really tough, with six wounds and a 3+ save. Then, he can dish out a decent amount of damage, but being able to issue Rally twice in the same phase is quite strong, and he brings back Ardboys on a 5+!

AoS Ironjawz rules 8He has a really good profile, has plenty of weapons, and all kinds of abilities. Giving units mortal wounds on hit rolls of 6 is pretty insane, especially considering this doesn’t end the attack, meaning they can deal with mortals and regular wounds at the same time.

Then, he can destroy Ward saves for the entire game, which is just an excellent rule.

Brute Ragerz & Weirdbrute Wrekkaz Rules

AoS Ironjawz rules 9Ragerz look quite good as they can run and charge, issue commands to themselves, oh yeah, and deal crazy amounts of mortals! The Wrekkaz don’t get as many options but are perfect for taking out big units.

Considering you’ll be getting six attacks from each, you should get a bunch of extra hits and be able to cut through swathes of infantry.

New Ardboys

AoS Ironjawz rules 10Ardboys are a staple in the army, so it’s nice to see them finally get a new kit. They are still quite formidable, can deal a decent amount of damage, and have plenty of great special rules.

New Ironjawz Points

AoS Ironjawz rules 11

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The Maw-Gruntas are all fairly expensive, but the Gougers are actually 90 points cheaper than their counterparts, so they might see some play. However, GW generally does a lot of point changes for the game, so we’ll see how long these stick around. Don’t get too settled in if you love or hate the points costs.

New Ironkawz Orruks Revealed!

Troggoth King & Orruks RevealedFirst up, this newly revealed kit will have two build options.

A legendary Ironjawz smith (and by the looks of him, an iron jaw-smith too), Zoggrok Anvilsmasha taps into the maelstrom of raw anarchic energy that courses through a Waaagh! to imbue nearby orruk weapons with sheer fighting power. Armed with this energy, a Brute can easily rattle the brains of a mighty Draconith or towering Mega-gargant with a single thunderous blow. 

Troggoth King & Orruks RevealedThis option is focused all on strength, and supposedly, he can wallop someone so hard he can turn off their ward saves!

Brute Ragerz & Wrezzaz

Troggoth King & Orruks RevealedThese Orruks can run and charge in the same turn and are just great at smashing through the enemy!

Troggoth King & Orruks Revealed

Sometimes an Orruk Brute can get so entangled in the anarchic energy of a Waaagh! that they go “proper wonky” and start vomiting green bile. Weirdnob Shamans hammer gruesome bone and iron masks into the afflicted orruks’ skulls, in an attempt to get the wonk out. 

Troggoth King & Orruks RevealedThis kit can also be built as the Weirdbrute Wrekkaz, and they harness all the magical energy to smash the enemy. They mention they are like Fanatics, so perfect for smashing through hordes of enemy infantry.

Orruk Ardboys

Troggoth King & Orruks RevealedNext up is a new Ardboys kit! The new minis just look amazing, and while this might not be the biggest surprise, they are fantastic looking.

Troggoth King & Orruks RevealedThere will be a few options in the kit, so hopefully, there will be plenty of extra bits.

Ardboys are terrifying armoured shock troopers who are more than a match for the elite fighters of other armies. Each a hardened veteran with an insatiable appetite for violence, they maintain a veneer of discipline until battlelines are met, at which point they become a mob of braying thugs. 

These guys are just a huge upgrade from the old Black Orcs kits from Warhammer Fantasy!

Battletome Supplement

Troggoth King & Orruks Revealed


Troggoth King & Orruks RevealedPerhaps best of all, there will be a free Iron Jaws Battletome Supplement PDF for all the new minis included, but we assume there will be a new battletome at some point.

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

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