New AoS Regiments of Renown Box Sets Values are Hot Fire!

age-of-sigmar-Regiments-of-Renown-value-pricing-worthThe value inside the new AoS Regiments of Renown box sets is actually pretty decent; here’s the pricing and savings breakdown!

These are like the Arks of Omen boxes, but for Age of Sigmar, they are meant to be played as mercenaries with your normal army. GW also promised free rules for all boxes again, which could give you a fun way to add to buff up your army without getting something in the normal range.

This is an exciting idea to add some uniqueness to your army. That said, the value inside the boxes is all over the place. However, with the price out, it looks like there will actually be value in the boxes this time around.

New AoS Regiments of Renown Box Sets Values are Hot Fire!

The value inside the new AoS Regiments of Renown box sets comes from Warhammer Community.

New Regiments of Renown

Four new Regiments of Renown, each with a brand new hero, are also coming soon. These were first previewed at Warhammer Fest 2023, and like the previous Regiment of Renown boxes, each collection fits into a core battalion that allows them to be taken in any Grand Alliance army other than their “home” faction, even if they break the allied points threshold.

These are a terrific way to add something spicey to your army without breaking the rules. Plus, getting a bunch of minis at once can be fun. However, the big question remains, what are these boxes worth?

Fjori’s Flamebearers $130

New Regiments of Renown 2

The blazing Fyreslayers of Fjori’s Flamebearers are led by the Grimehold Exhile Fjori, a survivor of a destroyed Magmahold who stokes his fellow Fyreslayers into action through fanatical fervour. Alongside Fjori fight 10 Vulkite Berzerkers, five Hearthguard Berzerkers, and five Auric Hearthguard, who hurl themselves into combat to uphold their ancient martial traditions.

  • Vulkite Berzerkers $60
  •  Auric Hearthguard $60
  • Hearthguard Berzerkers $55
  • Fjori $45 (based on recent Seraphon characters)

Total MSRP: $220

Total Savings Versus Box Price: $90

We don’t know the price yet, but we hope this box has some value, as this is more MSRP than almost all the previous boxes. However, last time, the Dwarf box did have some value, and now you at least get the character for free.

Phlugoth’s Shudderhood $130

New Regiments of Renown 33

From a diseased shroud of fog emerge Phlugoth’s Shudderhood. Under the miserable direction of the eponymous Harbinger of Decay, this band of despondent warriors comprises five Putrid Blightkings leaking vile filth from corrupted protrusions, and a pair of Pusgoyle Blightlords. 

  • Putrid Blightkings $60
  • Pusgoyle Blightlords $75
  • Harbinger of Decay $50 (based on Lord on Karkadrak, it could also be $60 as the Lord on Daemonic Mount is $60)

Total MSRP: $185

Total Savings Versus Box Price: $55

Both boxes already have more MSRP than any of the previous regiments, and both also actually have some value! While this isn’t as high as the Fyreslayers, this will save you some cash. From the looks of it, you get the Harbinger for free!

Jerrion’s Delegation $130

New Regiments of Renown 4

Caught in the enrapturing delusion propagated by their bestial vampires rulers, the Flesh-eater Courts believe themselves part of an elaborate world of royal courts and knightly vows. Jerrion’s Delegation ride out under the behest of the Marrowscroll Herald Jerrion, whose diplomatic gifts are nothing but bloody flesh and bone. He is accompanied by 20 slavering Crypt Ghouls, three soaring bat-winged Crypt Flayers, and three repugnant Crypt Horrors.

  • Crypt Ghouls $45
  • Crypt Flayers $60
  • Crypt Horrors $60
  • Marrowscroll Herald Jerrion $45 (based on recent Seraphon character releases)

Total MSRP: $210

Total Savings Versus Box Price: $80

This is a pretty solid box with plenty of minis and even some bigger monsters to smash through your enemies, and you save a lot of cash with this box!

Braggit’s Bottle-snatchaz $130

New Regiments of Renown 5

Braggit’s Bottle-snatchaz are a rambunctious mob of squigs and gitz under the loose command of Braggit, a Rabble-Rowza with an enchanted skull that boosts his volume. Braggit bursts out with 10 bouncing Squig Hoppers, a Squig Herd containing two Squig Herders and 10 Squigs, and a gathering of five wise grots known as the Gobbapalooza.

  • 10 Squig Hoppers $60
  • Squig Herd $55
  • Gobbapalooza $60
  • Rabble-Rowza Braggit $45 (based on most recent character releases)

Total MSRP: $210

Total Savings Versus Box Price: $80

If you want to add a bunch of squigs to your forces, this is going to be the box for you! This is also an entertaining box for other armies because who doesn’t want some bouncing squigs to throw at their enemies? Plus, there is some serious value in this box!

Previous AoS Regiments of Renown Box Values: (February 2023)

Let’s take a second to compare these to the previous Regiments of Renown Box Sets from February of 2023.  These box contents come from this Warhammer Community post.

Regiments of Renown

These roving brigands offer their services to whoever can guarantee them fame and fortune, seeking to build a reputation that echoes down the ages. The most (in)famous are known as Regiments of Renown – powerful mercenaries with skills that make them well worth the fees they charge their fairweather allies.

Just from looking at them, you can really see the disparity of the unit’s values across the board.

Norgrimm’s Rune Throng $110

Regiments of Renown 3

Want a gaggle of hard-to-shift duardin to sit on objectives? The Dispossessed ex-nobles of Norgrimm’s Rune Throng are happy to lend a hand to any ORDER army* – so long as you’re willing to help them uncover more valuable rune-lore. This regiment consists of a Runelord, 10 Irondrakes, and 10 Longbeards.

  • Runelord $27
  • 10 Irondrakes $55
  • 10 Longbeards $55

Total MSRP: $137

Total Savings Versus Box Price: $27

So, first off, we expect this to be cheaper than the Boarding Patrol boxes, but at $110 you really only save $27, which just isn’t that great. However, if you want everything inside, technically, you get the Runelord for free!

Veremord’s Shamblers $70

Regiments of Renown 5

There are five other Regiments of Renown for hire, at least one for each Grand Alliance. Veremord’s Shamblers are a horde of undead led by a ward-breaking graverobber on the run, available to DEATH armies.

  • 20 Deadwalker Zombies $60
  • Corpse Cart $35

Total MSRP: $95

Total Savings Versus Box Price: $25

Well, this is why the values are so confusing, as this is so much less stuff and so much cheaper! We initially hoped this would sell for $60, but it feels like GW is aiming for about $25 in savings for each box overall.

 The Coven of Thyrx $80

Regiments of Renown 6

 The Coven of Thyrx are a gang of Tzeentchian daemons whose ingenious summoner is forever seeking new CHAOS patrons to indulge his thaumaturgical chicanery.

  • Pink Horrors $42
  • Magister $16.50
  • Endless Spells $45

Total MSRP: $103.50

Total Savings Versus Box Price: $23.50

Well, if you already have the Tzeentch Endless Spells, we can’t really see a world where this has much value at all. Once again, right around that $25 value. So, nothing too insane.

If you already have the spells, we wouldn’t think too much about this one.

Hargax’s Pit-beasts $110

Regiments of Renown 7

Hargax’s Pit-beasts provide real melee punch to CHAOS armies with a trio of fearsome creatures, including Hargax himself – an Ogroid Myrmidon out to wrangle beasts for his fighting pit. 

  • Ogroid Myrmidon $45
  • Sphyranx $45 
  • Fomoroid Crusher $45

Total MSRP: $135

Total Savings Versus Box Price: $25

Well, if you want three big beasts to add to your force, then this is a pretty cool box! We wanted to see this priced under $100 for value’s sake, but again, it’s precisely at the $25 mark.

Big Grikk’s Kruleshots $100

Regiments of Renown 8

Big Grikk’s Kruleshots are also monster hunters – just ask Grikk, who beat a hasty exit after “accidentally” skewering his boss’s Vulcha – and add ranged options to DESTRUCTION forces with their toxin-smeared crossbows. 

  • 6 Man-skewer Boltboyz $100 ($50 for 3)
  • Beast-skewer Killbow $35

Total MSRP: $135

Total Savings Versus Box Price: $35

This one actually has the best value at $35, but again, nothing really to write home about. Still, if you need a bunch of shooting, it could be a decent pickup, as you basically get the Killbow for free.

Elthwin’s Thorns $70

Regiments of Renown 9

Finally, the half-mad Sylvaneth of Elthwin’s Thorns made a name for themselves seeking a cure for their curse amongst the armies of ORDER, darting around the battlefield on zephyrwing spites and unleashing deadly salvos with unnatural insight.

  • Gossamid Archers $60
  • Arch-Revenant $38

Total MSRP: $98

Total Savings Versus Box Price: $28

Last up, we have another box that doesn’t even reach the $100 mark in terms of MSRP. Still, this has the second most value, so if you were planning on getting Gossamid Archers and an Arch-Revenant, you might as well buy this and save some cash.

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What do you think about the new AoS Regiments of Renown Box Sets value? Will you pick any of them up?

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