New Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Firebase Z Trailer!

By Travis Pasch | February 1st, 2021 | Categories: Pop Gamer Culture, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Firebase Z Feature rFirebase Z is going to bring zombies to a new locale in Vietnam! Do you like killing zombies? Of course, you do, so check it out!

If you are someone who’s played Call of Duty for a long time, killing zombies has become somewhat of a past time. The gameplay in the normal game is obviously fun, but there’s nothing quite as much fun as killing hordes and hordes of zombies. You have to develop the most optimal strategies, play smart, and know what you’re doing to get the furthest possible.

Well, soon you’ll get to take your skills to a whole new map. Nothing wrong with changing it up and having to learn new strats! The new map will be taking place in 1985 in Vietnam and looks to be loaded with some cool areas. And of course, loaded with zombies! Let’s check out the new trailer!

New Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Firebase Z Trailer!

The new trailer is brought to us by GameSpot and looks amazing! The new map will be opening on February 4, 2021, so only a few days to wait now! It will be following the events of “Die Maschine,” Requiem’s next mission. The team will be directed by Grigori Weaver and the only way to make it out will be to uncover the secrets of Outpost 25. People usually develop the strats for these pretty fast but even with all the info, they can be frustratingly hard! But that’s what has made them such fan favorites. 

But if you’ve played any of the zombie maps before, you already know all that. But hey, we like the game and are all excited!

Are you excited about a new zombie map? Will you be playing it right when it comes out?

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