New Chaos Daemons Abilities, Detachment & Warpstorm 40k Codex Rules

chaos daemons codex new 9th edition rules how to playDon’t miss all the new Chaos Daemons Abilities, Detachment, and Warpstorm rules for their 9th Edition Warhammer 40k codex.

If you play Chaos Daemons, these rules are a great way to decide what to build your new army around from the upcoming codex book!

Let’s start by looking at the new codex for the Chaos Daemons and then dive into how to play all the new codex rules for Warhammer 40k.

Codex: Chaos Daemons Retail Price: $55

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Codex Chaos Daemons

The warp-wrought children of the Chaos Gods are bursting out of the immaterium with a 152-page tome packed with eldritch esoterica, forbidden daemonology, and in-depth rules for games of Warhammer 40,000. There are more ways than ever to bend the mortal plane to your will, thanks to 56 datasheets split between the four Chaos Gods – and Be’lakor, with his very own Army of Renown – alongside 25 Warlord Traits, 24 Relics, 36 Stratagems, and a profane slate of psychic powers for all.

These unique faction rules are collected from all the following reviews on YouTube, and Warhammer Community alike, so be sure to watch your favorite presenters talk about their take on the book at the links below:

Here’s the most up-to-date how-to-play review of the new Chaos Daemons rules- click on the gallery above to see all the new 9th Edition rules from the Chaos Daemons codex!

New Chaos Daemons Faction-Wide Abilities

chaos daemons datasheet abilities

Right off the bat, we’ve got a few keywords for each of the four gods.

There are also some great additions here in the rules! Daemons are no longer summoned and are instead manifested! Manifestation allows for daemons to go from reserves and deep strike onto the field closer than 9″ under certain circumstances… Those are within 6″ of a warp locus, deep striking near an enemy with lower leadership in No Man’s Land. or inside of your deployment zone,

Another huge change here is the removal of Daemon Saves… No more 5+ invulnerable on every Daemon. Instead, Daemonic Invulnerability makes it so that every Daemon has Daemon Saves, which give different saves to ranged and Melee incoming damage. The trick here is that they can NEVER be modified, meaning they aren’t affected by AP or cover!

It’ll be interesting to see how this impacts strategy, but it does seem to simplify it a little bit and should prove for more hap-hazard charges like Chaos always intended! I mean, who wants to see Daemons hiding in cover anyways?

Malefic Weapons are essentially extra weapons that daemons can use in combat. The neat thing about these is that they are unaffected by EVERYTHING. It will always be the same weapon swinging the same number of times for the same stats. Pretty similar to Dakka for Orks.

chaos daemons datasheet abilities 2

The last two are pretty on the theme, with Daemonic Terror giving nearby models -1 leadership and -1 to attrition tests; daemons are scary, ya know? And lastly, Warp Storm is a new faction mechanic, which we will review below!

In short, they provide a ton of new things and help you feel rewarded for devoting yourself to mono-faction Chaos Daemon lists.

New Chaos Daemons Detachment Rules

Chaos Daemons Detachment abilities

Similarly to the Eldar before them, thanks to Daemonic Allies Chaos Daemons can now be allied with other Chaos lists so long as it’s less than 25% of the total power level of the list without forcing you to lose the list’s faction bonuses.

Daemonic Pact

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There are also some standard updates, as seen in 9th, like, Troops gaining Obsec (except swarm units, sorry, Nurlgings). Luckily for a lot of players, though, there wasn’t a limit placed on Greater Daemons (well, except that you have to take a herald for each)! A ton of factions saw some faction hierarchy implemented in list construction to limit certain types of models this edition, but not Daemons!

New Chaos Daemons Warpstorm Rules

Chaos Daemons Warp Storm Effects

The power of a Warp Storm ebbs and flows, and you’ll never quite know how much magical mojo you’ll have at your command until the turn begins. It’s as simple as rolling eight dice and counting how many 4+ you score – a good turn will bestow plenty of Warp Storm points (or WSPs), but there’s always the chance Tzeentch will trip you up and leave your eddies becalmed.

Warp Storm effects are the reward for playing ONLY Daemons. Each Battle Round, you’ll get to roll eight dice, and for every 4+, you get a Warp Storm Point; these can then be spent on various effects, with unspent points being lost at the end of that round.

All lists get access to the Undivided options, with a dedicated detachment required to use each God-specific option.

In general, it’s not insane to use the more expensive four and 5-point options, but you should only plan to use 2s and 3s since those are almost guaranteed every Battle Round. This is built around Chaos, and randomness is one way to reinforce that concept into the faction on the tabletop.

Of the Undivided options, the two strong options look like Dark Invigoration as the only 5-point option and Otherwordly Tread for 2 points. Dark Invigoration heals each Daemon unit D3 wounds, or if they are one wound models, they get D3 models returned, which is a fantastic ability if you get it mid-game.

Otherworldy Tread makes your units unaffected by charge and advance modifiers in the movement or charge phase (you pick one), which is great since most daemons want to get into melee combat to do their jobs.

Chaos Daemons Warp Storm Effects 2

Khorne’s best option appears to be Fury of Khorne for 4 points giving all Khorne models +1 attack for a fight phase, which is exactly what Khorne needs!

On the other hand, Nurgle has Swarming Insects for 4 points, which gives Nurgle units +1 to hit in the fight phase!

Chaos Daemons Warp Storm Effects 3

Tzeentch has access to Sorcerous Winds giving your Tzeentch Psykers +1 on their tests that turn, making them even better at casting those powers.

Slaanesh has some great options, but overall, Lightning Speed is probably the best for 3 points giving all Slaanesh units +1 to Advance and Charge rolls!

Here’s all the latest on all the new Chaos Daemons rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

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