New Death Guard Codex Psychic & Relic 40k Rules!

9th-edition-tex-&-books-death-guard-mortaionThe new 40k Death Guard psychic and relic rules have been spotted- so check out what’s in the codex and how your games might change!

First spotted over on Imgur, now all of these rules can be found in the latest codex reviews on YouTube as well. Sprues & Brews released a video going over the entire Codex and talking about some of the changes.

Check out the video below and make sure to sub to their channel.

New Death Guard Codex Psychic & Relic 40k Rules!

new-death-guard-rulesCheck out all our breakdown of all the new rules below!

GW has also covered everything from army-wide rules to individual units with confirmed rules releases, which you can check out here. For now, let’s dive into the latest new rules from the Death Guard codex itself!

New Death Guard Codex Psychic 40k Rules!

First let’s start off with the Psychic Discipline, the Contagion Discipline.

dg 2021 psychic

  • Putrescent Vitality and Miasma of Pestilence are both largely unchanged. Vitality has gone up 1 warp-charge value making it 7 instead of 6, however functionally they are both unchanged. They were both great options in the past and as such will probably stay great options.
  • Curse of the Leper is also largely unchanged. It now has an 18″ inch range which is a solid buff, but still remains relatively inconsistent against more elite lists.
  • Gift of Contagion now has the chance to be a powered-up version of the cast value is 8 or higher. It used to be a random effect, however now it simply is -1 S, or if it is powered-up -1 S and -1 A. This looks great, although you’ll have to pick targets wisely. For example, since your marines are T5 you should target things with either 3 S or 10 S to hit the breakpoints to wound.
  • Plague Wind has also received a powered-up version if it gets a high enough cast value. The base is 6+ and to powerup, it needs a 9+. The base version is almost identical to before, causing mortals for each 6+ after rolling a d6 for each model in the target unit. The upgraded version changes that to a 5+ on a d6, changing it from ok to good.
  • Gift of Plagues is the last Psychic power and is a brand new addition. This lets you pick a DG unit within 18”, then boost the range of their Contagion abilities by 6”(with a cap of 12″) till your next psychic phase. This has great potential as most of the COntagion abilities are great.

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Still, though, RIP Blades of Putrefaction.

New Death Guard Codex Relic 40k Rules!

Next, let’s check out the Relics.

dg 2021 relicsLet go over a few of our favorites:

  • Fugaris’ Helm is unchanged, it still adds 3” to the wielders auras (to a maximum of 12″). However, since some auras may now be more important this relic may end up being better in the new environment.
  • Plague Skull of Glothila is great. It gives the wielder a single-use super-grenade in the movement phase. When you use it, pick an enemy unit within 6″ and roll 7D6. Each roll of a 4+ inflicts 1 mortal wound, each 6 is D3 mortal wounds instead. This can help kill super-tough models like Ghazgkull or just delete a unit of Primaris. It has a lot of variances so don’t always rely on it, but it is still great overall.
  • Tollkeeper is potentially a great option if you are running a shoot list with a tallyman. This lets Plague Company Core units score an additional shooting hit on 6s. While it certainly isn’t perfect for every list, the lists that can abuse it will love it.

Which Psychic power and Relic are your favorites? Are you excited to finally have some new Death Guard rules?

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