New Death Guard & LOTR Release: FIRST LOOK

Some Lord of the Rings minis plus the much anticipated Death Guard update are here- check out all the details and sprues!

The Death Guard were originally going to release back in December but were, unfortunately, delayed. This week their update arrives releasing alongside some coll new LOTR models.  Check out what’s on pre-order now!

9th warhammer 40k banner

Death Guard 9th Edition Codex

dg codex

Death Guard Datacards

dg datacards

Death Guard Combat Patrol

dg combat patrol


death guard combat patrol

Lord of Virulence

dg Lord of Virulence


lord of virulence sprue

Miasmic Malignifier

dg Miasmic Malignifier

malignifier sprue 1


malignifier sprue 2


Poxwalkers box

warhammer exclusives wal new releases pre order

Death Guard 9th Edition Codex – Collectors Edition

dg collectors codex

Chosen of Mortarion

dg Chosen of Mortarion



lotr banner

Frodo Baggins™, Samwise Gamgee™ & Gollum™

frodo sam mt doom


Frodo Baggins™, Samwise Gamgee™ & Gollum™ detail

Haldir, Marchwarden of Lothlórien™



Haldir, Marchwarden of Lothlórien™ detail

Gildor Inglorion™ & Glorfindel™

Gildor Inglorion and Glorfindel


Gildor Inglorion™ & Glorfindel™ detail

The Black Riders

Black Riders


The Black Riders detail

Dead Marsh Spectres

Dead Marsh Spectres


Dead Marsh Spectres detail




Barrow-wights™ detail

With this wave of pre-orders, is there anything you will be getting? Which set is your favorite? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!