NEW GAUSS? – Necron Weapon Rumors

By Rob Baer | January 8th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Will the new Necrons’ Gauss weapons get a big change in the new release?

The big question about Necrons that seems to be on everybodies’ mind is how will weapons work in the new codex?

Some people point to the new ‘Storm’ ability in the Space Wolf codex, as an example of a tesla nerf, but no one seems to know, yet.

Via Faeit

Rumor Rated ‘Questionable’ for one time sourcing and friend of a friend references.

Necron rumors I heard are pretty dire, shop worker who is a close friend of mine got this info while he was up hq for some training purposes last week.

Gauss will now on a roll of a six be double strength against vehicles so rifles str8, the immortal ones str 10 instead of auto glancing.

the stand back up rule is gone now all necrons have a 5+ invuln save made better by a res orb by +1 on troops and +2 on characters because they have removed the 3+ invuln item res orbs 5pts dearer.

He also saw a change/notes for both flayed ones and scarabs but didn’t have time to read them properly other than scarabs do two things on a 5 and a 6 now. I’m guessing an armour point gone on only a 5 now and maybe a glance on a 6? That’s speculation on my part.

Please i’m just repeating what i was told today he’s a bit of a joker my mate but he really was up there last week as some other guy was covering the shop.

Full Necron Rumor Roundup
