New GW Roadshow 40k & AoS Tournament Details

gw-tournamentsNew GW official Roadshow tournaments for both Age of Sigmar and 40k are coming back soon – check out the latest details!

It’s time for another big online GW Preview for all things Warhammer! Here are the latest reveals from  Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community!

Warhammer Fest Online

New GW Roadshow 40k & AoS Tournament Details

tables warhammer 40kDuring the final day of Warhammer Fest Online, GW highlighted the return of some official GW Events! A new event called the US Roadshow that will feature AoS and 40k tournaments in three cities, Orlando, New Orleans, & Austin, with the finals in Los Angeles. It was mention to be coming very soon and to look for more details shortly.

While these are all focused on the US, it marks a shift back to some sense of normalcy after a year dominated by world events mostly outside of our control.

This might suggest a slow rollout back to normal schedules includes releases and announcements by GW as well!

GW Announces 40k & AoS Tournaments Details

Warhammer Community just released a little bit more information on future tournaments.

us tournament roadmapThis is a completely new series of Warhammer tournaments hosted across North America. The first events will take place in Orlando, New Orleans, and Austin. The Warhammer 40,000 games will use the 9th edition ruleset, and the Warhammer Age of Sigmar tournaments will be some of the first in the world to use the 3rd edition rules we just announced

If you qualify for the finals, your games will take place at the brand new Warhammer Store & Cafe in Los Angeles. It’s opening up in June – find out how you can join the celebration now. 

They don’t give any time frames, so these could be this year, but could just as easily end up being in 2022. For now, we have to wait, so sit tight for more details later on.

While there has been LGS ran tournaments this year, but these new tournaments signal a return of official in-person GW events, which is great!

golden demonIn 2022, you can expect not one, but two major Golden Demon events – one in the UK and another at Adepticon in North America. After having literally years of painstaking work lavished on them, we’re prepared to be blown away by all the entries that will come pouring in.

They do, however, give an update for Golden Demon, which is confirmed for 2022 at Adpeticon in Chicago. So any of you Aspiring painters out there, you’ve still got time to get your models ready to enter!

Are you excited about a return to more in-person GW events? Will you consider attending any?

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