New Horus Heresy Iron Hands Rules & Rumors Revealed

horus-heresy-rules-iron-handsNew Horus Heresy Iron Hands rules have been revealed by GW, but we’ve also seen a ton of rumors for their legion as well- here is the latest!

With the release of the Horus Heresy starter and the new edition imminent, it’s time for GW to start revealing rules. This time around, they are focusing on the Iron Hands, but we’ve also seen some Horus Heresy playtest rumors for them.

So while they might change a little, the playtest versions have been pretty accurate so far.

Warhammer Community showed off some new legion-specific rules; let’s check them out!

New Horus Heresy Iron Hands Rules & Rumors Revealed

Iron Hands rules

On the battlefield, the Iron Hands are built different – they don’t need to hide behind walls like their yellow-clad cousins, or dash away from a head-on collision like the flighty Fifth Legion. No, the X Legion take their licks on the (steel-capped) chin. Tough as The Medusa’s Scales, these Space Marines power through grievous injuries with nothing more than stubborn grit and a steady supply of replacement body parts.

This honestly makes them way tougher, as all weapons, no matter how strong they are will have -1 to their strength, and sometimes this could turn a 4+ to a 5+, etc…

Iron Hands rules 2

The Gorgon’s uncompromising attitude would terrify lesser men – but to his sons, that backbreaking work ethic is a source of true inspiration. His most ambitious Warlords share the unflinching Silver-iron Will needed to shrug off all hardship. 

Not being able to react in the movement phase is a little annoying, but this gives you way more flexibility in the assault phase and shooting phase. Then, never having any of your characteristics lowered is pretty sweet.

Ferrus Manus

Ferrus Manus

They didn’t show off rules, but we’ve seen rules from the interwebs!


Ferrus Manus
Ferrus Manus 2

While he doesn’t nearly have as many special rules, giving your entire army a 6+ FNP is always strong. Not to mention in combat he can destroy all kinds of high-toughness units and vehicles especially.

Legion Specific Iron Hands Horus Heresy Rules Rumors

Iron Hands rulesObviously, a lot of these will make you tougher, or strike back in death!

Iron Hands rules 2You can take Medusan Squads as troops which is sweet but if you do, you can’t include the big guy Ferrus.

Iron Hands rules 3The Gorgons are tough, have a 5+ FNP, and can have all kinds of wargear! Which will become quite expensive, but this unit should be worthwhile.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Horus Heresy Rules & Product Leaks. Click on the gallery above to see new Horus Heresy models and rules rumors!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

What do you think about the new rules and rumors for Horus Heresy Iron Hands so far?