Even More New Necromunda Miniatures Announced By GW

new-necromunda-modelsThe new Necromunda Goliath Chem Dealers and Brute-Handlers will add some muscle and chemical enhancements to your gangs!

With the new book on the way focusing on Escher and Goliath, it only makes sense they get more models. We already saw a jetbike/bike for both gangs and some Goliath characters, so this could be near the last of the new minis to accompany the book.

However, this comes from Forge World, so it will most likely be resin.

New Necromunda Chem Dealers & Brute-Handlers

Gorshiv Hammerfist

The war of succession rages on in the hives and the ash wastes of Necromunda. Plans unravel and violence sweeps the planet, so why not insure your gangs against early-onset mortality by hiring an incredible knot of overgrown muscle?

Gorshiv Hammerfist is Doc Shiv’s most remarkable success story. He’s a ginormous Stimmer and the result of lots of testing and a mountain of failures. The specimen known as Gorshiv is now the de facto leader of Shiv’s Crushers, because… well, just look at him.

This is a really cool mini with plenty of detail! Even if you don’t play Necromunda, you could use Brute-handlers for some really cool alternatives.

Necromunda brute handler

This towering slab of genewrought muscle is an engine of pure murder, able to shrug off flesh wounds and equipped with two colossal power hammers known as Wrack and Ruin – both custom-built for his big old ham hocks. He can add an almighty punch to your gang, and he gets even nastier with his sneaky stash of combat chems. He’s also one of Necromunda’s snappier dressers, with a bright green beard and the carcass of a trophy kill on his back.

If you just need to pack a real punch, then you should just go ahead and add this guy to your gang!

Necromunda Chem Dealers 

Necromunda brute handler 2

Canny gang leaders can keep Hammerfist and other vat-grown simpletons in check with skilled Brute-handlers, and topped up with combat drugs using the services of Chem Dealers. 

Armed with a shock whip for delicate applications of positive reinforcement, Brute Herders are well-trained in getting the most out of any gang’s Brutes in battle, as evidenced by the fact they still have two of their Emperor-given limbs. Fittingly, Goliath gangs can hire them for half price.

While these guys aren’t nearly as muscled, they will still really help your gang achieve victory!

New Rules

Necromunda brute handler 3

A Brute Herd can attempt to train any of the gang’s Brutes, and during a fight their very presence confers the Nerves of Steel skill to any within earshot of their barked commands.

Nothing wrong with more training, but just be sure your brutes aren’t too wilful, or they won’t learn anything!

Necromunda brute handler 4

Gangs often need to keep themselves in stims and chems with a dedicated Chem Dealer. While not particularly handy in a fight, these furtive hangers-on can source illicit substances of all flavours.

Being able to get your chems for free is always nice; be sure to pay, or you will ruin your reputation for good!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

Are you excited about the new Necromunda Goliath Chem Dealers and Brute-Handlers models? Will you be picking these up?

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