New Octarius 40k Deathwatch Space Marines & Inquisition Rules

octarius-inquisitonNew Deathwatch Space Marines & Inquisition 40k rules are here from the Warzone Octarius supplement that may surprise you!

With the Warzone Octarius supplement in hobbyists’ hands, we can get a better picture of what all the new rules are looking like for factions focussed on in the book.  

These rules are collected from all the following reviews on YouTube, Imgur, and Warhammer Community alike, so be sure to watch your favorite presenters talk about their take on the book at the links below!

Get Your War Zone Octarius Here

Since this is a little different than a standard faction codex or supplement, we’ve included the introduction below in case you are curious about how exactly the rules are applied to each faction.

Octarius rules cadians deathwatch inquisition tyranids introductionIn this post we will focus on the Deathwatch and Inquisition, so let’s start by diving into the Deathwatch Stratagems.

New Octarius Deathwatch 40k Rules:

deathwatch octarius stratagems rulesIn the Octarius book, Deathwatch is getting new 40k rules access to 4 new stratagems with 2 looking a little bit better than the others. Battlefield Teleportation is fantastic for only 1CP allowing you to “blink” your unit and redeploy them anywhere they are needed!

While Specialism Extremis seems very picky on the surface, and expensive at 3CP, getting an entire unit to auto wound if they hit can be a massive boost in damage that turn, especially when you get high damage, but low strength attacks going against a high toughness unit.

deathwatch kill team army of renown rules octariusIn the book, Deathwatch got an Army of Renown called the Kill Team Strike Force. While there are quite a few restrictions that have to be met, the important thing to consider is the benefits. The best of which seems to be the Veterans of the Long Vigil ability.

This makes your already very versatile force into one that can truly turn into the swiss army knife of Space Marine armies. Each Battle round, you can manually select any Space Marine Chapter Tactic from the Core Space Marine Codex, and swap out your Xenos Hunters tactic for it!

That means you can have a huge variety in bonuses depending on what you need at exactly that turn. The only downside is you can’t select any tactic for more than one turn… Even still, this seems super strong!

New Inquisition 40k Rules:

octarius inquisition rulesUnlike the Deathwatch, Inquisition really didn’t get much. Essentially, they didn’t get anything! This “update” for Inquisition was just to bring them into an official venue. Think of this update as an Official printed FAQ, rather than an FAQ you have to look up and print yourself. The biggest change was simply to update the format to the newer bullet point style instead of having to dig through paragraphs for rules.

They are more or else exactly the same as they were before inside Psychic Awakening: Pariah, except now they can be paywalled behind the 40k app with the digital code at the back of the book…

Overall it’s a great time to play 40k as new updates bring renewed life to the game, however with supplement after supplement (not to mention the FAQs, etc.) there is a cost in money and time.

Need more on everything Warhammer? Here are the latest rules updates!

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