NEW PICS – Harlequin Jetbikes

By Rob Baer | February 2nd, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

harlequin walpaper

I’m officially naming this week’s image leaks the Derek Zoolander learning to use a camera phone and other stuff well.


I’ll be honest these pictures suck, it’s like watching scrambled Cinemax while your parents are sleeping.

Those caveats aside, the do offer a great framework peak a what’s coming soon for the Harlequins!

via Bolter & Chainsword 2-1-2015


Super pixelated image of WD54 seeming to show the upper portion of a 2-man Harlequin vehicle

via Faeit 2-2-2015

I can confirm Harlequin jetbikes are coming in the next white dwarfThe bikes come in packs of 2, and are described as being well armored, really fast, and they have models on them with multiple weapon load outs. Also the price is the same as the Harlequin Troupe box.

The codex will be Fridays pre release confirmed by a GW store manager the the other day.

Via Bolter & Chanisword 2-02-2015


A thanks to
Nickolas94@warseer (it’s the author from l’astropate)!

And here’s a link to the Jetbikes we KNOW are out there and unreleased.

Full Harlequin Rumor Roundup