NEW RUMORS – Harlequin Starweavers & Jetbikes

By Rob Baer | February 1st, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

harlequin walpaper

Two is always better than one, and now we’re hearing more about those jetbikes we saw on the cover of the Harlequin codex friday!

Will we see a new Jetbike release for the Harlequin wave 2?

via Warseer 2-01-2015

Had a quick glance yesterday at a scan from an upcoming dwarf, with the jetbikes (skyweavers). The profile was there but I couldn’t look at it, my source (gw) showed me the scan just to tease me… ;pThe bikes themselves are stunning, they look larger (actually longer) than the existing eldar / DE jetbikes. There are two riders on each : one driver and another harlequin standing at the back.I didn’t have time to see much more, sorry… But from what I saw, they look splendid!

…Starweaver was rumoured to have a heavy dual-build option – I’m still not convinced, but I do believe them to be separate kits.

Via the Front Page

Here’s a link to the Jetbikes we KNOW are out there and unreleased

Full Harlequin Rumor Roundup