Next Week’s GW Releases & Teaser – REVEALED

gw logo new long

There’s a lot more to this week’s releases that just the Orruks. Come see all the hot new GW releases and the teaser for a long lost kit as well!

You heard it here first, Bonesplitterz Orruks are on the way next week! But that is not all for the mortal realms, no sir. Tons more releases are on the way as well!

Grab a friend and get ready to try out some Age of Sigmar this week!


Source IMGUR:

  • Boar Boyz $53
  • Savage Orruks $50
  • Maniak Warboss (Finecast) $18.25?
  • Bonesplittaz Battletome $33
  • Wurrgog (Finecast) $18.25?
  • Wardok (Finecast) $13
  • Age of Sigmar Storm of Sigmar Starter $33
  • Getting Started with Aos $8
  • Generals Handbook $25

And now the teaser that may foreshadow the long heralded release of the Realm of Battle board and terrain for the Age of Sigmar:


Does that mean that the new Realm of Battle Board for Age of Sigmar is coming very soon?

Realm of Battle Board 

aos-shattereed dominion

Shattered Domains? Check!

The latest Visions has the AoS Realm of Battle boards we have seen before previewed. They are called Shattered Dominion and are labelled as ‘coming soon’. Four different tiles in the six tile set, and Visions has some funky paint schemes for them.


Magic Circles? Check!

Here’s the new revised Roadmap list of new releases that are on the rumor radar now with items bolded that are confirmed:


Age of Sigmar

So the Orruks are getting a new supplement this month for the Age of Sigmar, and new terrain may be on the way as well! What other new release tricks do you think GW has up their sleeves for the summer?

GW’s Summer Release Roadmap