Painting Deathwatch Space Marines: Hellfire Hobbies Tutorial

Deathwatch PaintingPainting Deathwatch Space Marines doesn’t have to be hard; learn how with this fast how to paint tutorial from Hellfire Hobbies!

If you’re planning on going with this chapter, you need to get good at painting black armor, and this tutorial will help you tackle the steps without much hassle!

Let’s see how to do it.

Painting Deathwatch Space Marines: Hellfire Hobbies Tutorial

Deathwatch Painting 2The main thing you need to do first is get a good base layer primer with black. This will make the base of the model, so get good coverage.

Step 1:

Deathwatch Painting 3The next step is to mix in 2 parts black with one part Skeleton Bone, you don’t want to use gray as it will look dark gray and lose the black we want. He then does a top-down spray, nothing too crazy here. Now, go two parts bone and one part black, then do a smaller top-down spray with the airbrush.

Then, he takes Nuln Oil and does a light glaze over the entire model.

Step 2:

Deathwatch Painting 4While that dries, he moves on to the silver. He takes the silver and hits the shoulder pad, the gun, and the mohawk part. Now he starts highlighting that with Shining Silver, in a normal edge highlight style.

Now he goes back to the Nuln Oil and washes all the silver. He also drills out the gun barrel here, however, this is optional.

Step 3:

Deathwatch Painting 5Next, go onto the Zhandri Dust and hit base coats on all seals and everything you want. Then break out the red and base coat the gun and the other parts of the purity seals and then brown for the pouches and such. He also does the eyes here with a yellow highlight over the red.

While that’s all drying he breaks out the Stegadon Scale Green and hits all the recesses and the rubber parts of the model.

Step 4:

Deathwatch Painting 6He wants to make this guy originally from the Space Wolves, so he adds yellow to the shoulder pad and knee pads. He then blends this as a highlight with Flashgitz Yellow.

For the trim on the shoulder pad, he hits that with a blue to match the Space Wolves. To finish off the shoulder pad, he uses Skrag Brown to trim it out.

Finished Model:

Deathwatch Painting 7This is it for the painting phase, the only other thing he does is takes him off that base and places him on another base that he already built. You can see when put on a base with a little bit of pop; it really makes the blac stand out! Overall, a super-easy way to get your minis-looking tabletop ready!

That does it for this one! If you want to see more, check out Hellfire Hobbies’ own tutorial by clicking this link here.

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