Plastic Horus Heresy Scorpius Missile Tank Revealed by GW!

scorpius-tank-horus-heresy-plasticThe new plastic Horus Heresy Scorpius Missile Tank might be on the Rhino chassis, but it sure packs a punch for being a small vehicle!

Heresy Thursday has been going on for some time now, but it’s nice to see the constant reveals! The past few weeks, they have mainly been upgrade kits or some Praetors, so we’re happy to see something bigger on the way!

Plastic Horus Heresy Scorpius Missile Tank Revealed by GW!

Warhammer Community unveiled the new tank along with what it can do. Let’s jump into the new tank!

Scorpius Missile Tank

Built on the ubiquitous Deimos Rhino chassis (seriously, what can’t that little tank do?) the Scorpius Missile Tank was designed at the request of none other than the close-combat-hungry Space Wolves. All of their huffing and puffing couldn’t blow down the fortified xenos bastion-cities they came up against in their earlier campaigns, but a massive missile launcher system was just the ticket to bring them tumbling down.

This is a really cool tank, and since it’s on the Rhino chassis, it would make sense all you need is a new top for your predator kit with the weapons, and bam, you have a new tank! Obviously, it could work with the Rhino, but you need a different top piece, which the Predator already has (we’ll compare them below).

Scorpius Missile Tank 2

Their Barrage weaponry provides invaluable indirect fire against all sorts of targets – whether they are clad in ceramite or not.

It’s always nice to get these kits in plastic as they generally get a decent drop in price and are almost always easier to build than when they come from Forge World!

Scorpius Missile Tank 3

The Rocket Barrage special rule gives these mobile ordnance platforms a reason to stay still and make the most of their 48” range. Salvos from stationary Scorpius Missile Launchers confer the Rending (4+) and Pinning special rules, resulting in a truly devastating combo.

This effect lasts until your next turn, so those Heavy Support Squads may find themselves on the receiving end of a spicy Return Fire reaction if they put their heads above the parapet.

Nothing wrong with bombarding your enemy from afar!

Comparing it with the Predator & a Possible Upgrade Sprue


As you can see, it’s pretty much the exact same turret set up, just with a little different style. However, the top part of the chassis is the same, meaning all GW would have to do is produce a new sprue for just the weapons.

Who knows, maybe they will do the Contemptor style upgrade kit for this and let you pop it in to change out your tanks and give you more value.

Deimos Pattern Rhino

Obviously, it’s built on this chassis, but as we said, the top piece of the tank looks different. Still, though, we could easily see a possible upgrade kit for this could also work.

This is an all-plastic new version of the classic Horus Heresy tank, and you will be able to add it to your collection soon.

While they don’t give an exact date, it’s nice to have plastic confirmed!

Are you excited about the new tank? Will you be picking it up?

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