Shadowcat Phases Into MCP With Powerful New Rules!

Shadowcat MCP rulesYou can’t hide as Shadowcat is phasing her way into Marvel Crisis Protocol with new rules in the latest expansion pack alongside Iceman!

We got to see Shadowcat previewed at Ministravaganza (along with her card), but now we get to take a further in-depth look at her phrasing and stealth abilities that make her a super-fast and hard-to-take-down hero. If you’re reading this after 3/1/2024, you can pick her up from your favorite local store. Let’s jump into the rules!

Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Iceman & Shadowcat: $39.99

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon  | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming Element Games (UK) | or | eBay | Asmodee Website

Marvel Crisis Protocol X-Men ModelsIt’s hard to beat Iceman as an iconic character for X-Men! Plus, he will be a good low-cost option (points-wise), which is always nice to have to make your force more flexible.

Marvel Crisis Protocol X-Men Models 2


Marvel Crisis Protocol X-Men Models 3

Players will bring youthful exuberance to the table with the Iceman & Shadowcat Character Pack. These two fan-favorite X-Men add new low-cost options to the Affiliation. With show-stopping affiliated Team Tactic Cards in tow, these rising stars are the jewel of any mutant Squad on the battlefield.

Shadowcat Phases Into MCP With Powerful New Rules!

Shadowcat MCP rules 2

Her first attack, Phasing Strike, is a close range Physical attack with Strength 4 that generates Power for her equal to the damage dealt. While four attack dice is very low, her target does not benefit from Critical results in their Defense roll and cannot add additional dice to the roll due to those Critical results. Additionally, there is a chance Shadowcat will sidestep her opponent to get into a better position for her next move.

Her second attack involves Lockheed lending a helping fiery breath. Get ‘Em Lockheed! is a Strength 4 Range 3 attack with guaranteed Power generation that has a chance to leave the target with the Incinerate special condition as the dragon-like alien bathes the target in fire.

Strength 4 attacks may not seem like a lot at first, but the extra abilities to deny additional dice and critical roles make them sneaky strong. Then, getting to move while attacking is just always good. Intangible Assault is quite powerful with Strength 7; criticals don’t count and cannot add additional dice. Then, she can also move, so not as much straightforward power, but plenty of fun shenanigans.

Shadowcat MCP rules 3

Shadowcat’s mutant powers are best known for giving her the ability to phase through solid objects. Her first superpower, Phase Rush, is a 2 Power cost Active superpower that lets her Place within 2 of her current location as she dashes through the battlefield unimpeded by mundane things like garbage trucks and apartment buildings.

Kitty also uses this power to avoid incoming attacks and can grant her power to items and creatures she is touching. Can’t Touch This makes her or the nearby target of an attack insubstantial when faced with Physical or Energy attacks or collisions, granting them additional Defense or Dodge dice. Additionally, if the target is Thrown or Pushed by the triggering effect, they are granted a Place within Range 1 of their new location after the effect is resolved as Shadowcat pulls their intangible bodies out of the rubble before returning them to normal.

She is a super fast hero with her attack movement and Phase Rush. Then, Can’t Touch This, and Stealth will make her hard to take out! She might not have the strongest attacks, but she is super fast and stealthy enough to move around the table and annoy your opponents!

The new Iceman and Shadowcat Character Pack has added new low-cost options to the Affiliation, making them a valuable addition to any mutant Squad on the battlefield. 

Click Here to Get Your New Marvel Crisis Protocol Minis!

Will you pick up the Iceman & Shadowcat pack up, and what do you think of the new MCP rules for Bobby Drake? 

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