Spartan Games Saved by the Wild West!

By Drago | September 26th, 2017 | Categories: Spartan Games, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Spartan games Airship

Spartan Games, which announced their closure at the end of August, has been purchased by Warcradle Studios, the purveyors of Wild West Exodus.

Warcradle Studios announced via video and newsletter their acquisition of the rights and materials for Dystopian Wars, Firestorm Armada, and Uncharted Seas gaming universes. The announcement includes a plan to develop and expand the scenic terrain products as well as the games themselves, with new plastic and resin miniatures to go with the games.

Dystopian Wars, Dystopian Legions, Armoured Clash, Firestorm Armada, Firestorm Planetfall and Uncharted Seas were created by the team at Spartan Games and we are excited to now be able to explore those settings further. We will also be developing and expanding on a large number of exciting scenic products to support those ranges.

The video also includes an FAQ regarding the rights acquisitions, Kickstarters, stocks. They have clarified they only took the rights for the games and terrains, not the Rebel Publishing, the parent company for Spartan Games. They are not liable for stocks and money on Kickstarters that have not been payed out, that would need to be settled with Rebel Publishing and your credit card companies.

Have Wayland Games purchased Rebel Publishing, the company that owned Spartan Games?

No, Rebel Publishing remains the company responsible for any Kickstarter or retail/trade activities that took place prior when they ceased trading.

I am owed products from Rebel Publishing. How can I get them or my money back?

Backers or customers of Rebel Publishing should get in contact with the Administrators for any issues relating to Kickstarters or purchases. Contacting Paypal or your credit card companies would be our recommendation for trying to getting any money back from anything relating to a transaction you may have had with Rebel Publishing.

While we are not liable to do so, if there are any Kickstarter custom items that have been produced (such as personalised rulebooks) we will endeavour to look at how best to pass these on to the relevant backer. We will contact the Kickstarter backers directly regarding any developments on this. However it is important to be clear that there are no miniatures to be sent out for backers and that the Kickstarter was by Rebel Publishing and any liability or queries relating to it remains with Rebel Publishing.

Why purchase Dystopian Wars, Firestorm, and Uncharted Seas? “We have a thing for steam-punk style games. We love Dystopian Wars and Firestorm.” They even talk about some of the personal armies they have and the enjoyment to the game. However, the reason is they’ve felt a connection with the games themselves due to helping to spread the IP later.

Why purchase Dystopian Wars, Firestorm and Uncharted Seas?

We are huge fans of the games and settings. Early in our relationship with Spartan Games our MD Richard Lawford was keen to buy an entire print run of Dystopian Wars to give away to every gaming club in the world (that we could find!). We are thrilled to be able to help shape and secure an exciting future for these games.

What is going to happen to them? These are early days, so plans are vague, but Warcradle has said they will not be gutting or “dumbing down” the games themselves.

Lots of information in the videos with some great opportunities for grown and promotion of the IP, including in-store organised play support and new production of miniatures and narratives Stay tuned for more information from Warcradle Studios.