GW’s Shocking Reason Behind The Choice of Armies for Warhammer Old World!

Warhammmer the old world new rumors rules release date latestGW’s choice of armies for Warhammer The Old World has some people scratching their heads, but we think this is the shocking reason behind it!

If you missed it earlier in the year, GW has basically day one moved a ton of armies from Warhammer Old World to Legends Status, and said they wouldn’t be getting much support past their initial rules. However, we don’t really know if that means for the entirety of the game or if they are just trying to start slow.  From the sounds of it, they won’t be supporting them other than a single set of rules… This editorial is 100% pure speculation from donning the mythical tinfoil hat for another gluten-free GW gut check.  So, while Games Workshop will probably never confirm something like this, it certainly seems to make sense to us and might explain why they chose to support the army factions they did for Warhammer Old World.

RUMORS: The Shocking Reasons Behind GW’s Choice of Armies for Warhammer The Old World!

This Day 1 list of legacy Legends Warhammer the Old World Armies comes from Warhammer Community.

old world main factions

Certain factions people remember from Warhammer Fantasy Battles are not part of the narrative we’re telling with The Old World, but will be provided with rules at the launch of the game.

  • Dark Elves
  • Skaven
  • Vampire Counts
  • Daemons of Chaos
  • Ogre Kingdoms
  • Lizardmen
  • Chaos Dwarfs

These legacy faction army lists will be made available for free as pdfs as a service to fans who have these classic armies on their shelf, so they can still bring them to battle for old times sake. We don’t plan to publish rules for Warhammer Age of Sigmar miniatures, except for those units that were part of the game and setting during the final edition of Warhammer Fantasy Battles. 

If you notice, every single army on the list of legacy factions is currently (or rumored to be coming soon) in Age of Sigmar. Plus, according to the stores we polled, these seven factions are the armies that actually sell for the range. The only outlier is Chaos, and that faction always seems to sell no matter what system it is in.

Slann Starmaster

So you could argue that it is almost like Games Workshop doesn’t want Old World to compete with the products that are successful from their AoS game system.  Reviving Old World allows GW to sell older existing models at a lower cost to market (game store shelves) and leaves room to make new models going forward based on those factions.

Warhammer Old World Square Base Size 2Basically, by focusing on a Warhammer Fantasy reboot, minus the “successful” AoS factions, Games Workshop can remonetize the system they literally blew up while still allowing AoS to move forward.  Plus, as we mentioned earlier, it allows the two games to exist in the same space without directly competing with one another. In a few years, we’ll know if this speculation is true, and GW never adds those armies back into Old World after focusing on this new narrative with the launch armies that they were talking about. If they never supported these armies, it would only make sense that they did this to stop Old World from competing with the Age of Sigmar game by locking out these factions. In case you missed the past Warhammer Old World announcements since 2019, we’ve included them below.

warhammer the old world

New Tomb Kings Army Box Leaked: Warhammer The Old World

warhammer-the-old-world-tomb-kingsThe Tomb Kings Army Launch Box for Warhammer the Old World has been leaked with pretty clear pictures of the contents! Read More Here

Click Here For The Latest on Warhammer Old World!

What do you think about the core factions for Warhammer Old World and our idea of why GW isn’t supporting them for OW?

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