Wonder Woman 1984 Release News

By Travis Pasch | November 4th, 2020 | Categories: movie, Pop Gamer Culture, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Wonder Woman 1984 featureWith the craziness of COVID continuing, the higher-ups at Warner Bros. are thinking about pushing back the Wonder Woman 1984 Release…

If you were hoping to watch your favorite heroine close out the year with some style, well get ready to be disappointed (again)! Deadline reported that Warner Bros. looks like they will hold the movie back until more people start going to theaters. This is the second delay, so it doesn’t look good for it actually getting released.

It’s like 2020 is a crazy year or something… With so few movie theaters even open, especially in big cities like L.A. and New York, not to mention a large portion of Western Europe, the move kind of makes sense. But it is still pretty disappointing.

Wonder Woman 1984 Release may get Bumped to 2021

WW 1984 2They haven’t made the announcement official yet. But if they don’t do it soon, they could lose out on a ton of marketing cash. Most movies start their serious marketing campaigns six weeks out. Dec 25th is coming up on that six-week mark very soon, so while they have some time to make the decision, they don’t have much! Basically, if you don’t see endless trailers come Thanksgiving, it means it has been pushed back. Oh, just another thing COVID is delaying… Great…

Most studios are taking risks on the streaming market with their big releases, and doing well! Just look at how goo Disney + has been doing. That begs the question, why not try it with big releases like this one? Maybe the box office loss would just be too much.

Does Not Bode Well for Other Releases

Wonder Woman 1984 2If they do end up pushing the movie back, it means other studios will most likely follow suit. If you love watching the blockbusters to close out your year, it may not be a fun winter for you. Movies like Free Guy and Death on the Nile may also be pulled, leaving theaters without any big hits to bring in what few people they can. This could lead to serious financial trouble for the already struggling theaters like AMC. There has even been talk of AMC possibly having to go into bankruptcy if these trends continue.

Is Streaming the Best Option?

WW 1984Who knows when things will actually open up fully again. Britain has just issued another lockdown order and other countries are not fully opened yet. Maybe we’re not that far off from the biggest movies going direct to a streaming platform and skipping the box office entirely. Just something to think about, but what if streaming services started charging extra fees to watch such big blockbusters? Would you pay? Who knows with this year. But if you were really looking forward to this film, you may have to wait for a little (or a lot) longer…

Do you think they should keep the release schedule on track for completed movies? Are you looking forward to Wonder Woman 1984?

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