Out to Squall: SW Armada Tactics

By Barclay Montgomery | October 24th, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics

The Quasar Fire carrier adds some new elements to your squadron game foe the Empire in Star wars Armada. Use these new tactics for your fleet.

The Quasar Fire is quickly becoming one of the most useful carriers the Empire has seen in Armada. With a massive squadron value of 4, this medium ship can push tons of bombers towards their targets, but this build will do something a little different. The Quasar’s strengths lie in their title upgrades. These titles allow benefits that no other carrier can provide. The Squall title let’s you push 3 unengaged squadrons up to distance 2, but cannot end their move engaged. This is a great effect since it trigger upon activation, and then allows you to activate those squads that got pushed. This works great for ships that would love to get into the fight but may be too slow. Enter the YV-666. First debuted in the Rogues and Villains expansion, the YV-666 has been forgotten beside Bossk. But with the new Squall title, they may have another chance to be good. At speed 2, these squadrons are amongst the slowest in Armada besides B-Wings. Having 2 blue and 2 black anti squadron dice makes them powerful and the addition of Rogue and Grit make them great at hunting down aces. But Heavy and speed 2 lags them behind. Squall can get them to the fight in a hurry and once there, they can wreak havoc!  Another great upgrade to help you win the squadron fight is Ruthless Strategists. Since the Quasar-II has a red die for anti-squadron, you will be able to engage squadrons at long range. With your YV-666s in the thick of the fighting, this upgrade can help end those enemy squadrons. After attacking a squadron, you may deal 1 damage to a friendly squadron engaged with the defender, the defender then suffers 1 damage. With a healthy 7 hull, the YV-666 can tank the hits for Ruthless Strategists. The key to Armada battles may lie in winning the squadron fight. Does your fleet have what it takes?

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