You can’t fix what is not broken. Revisiting an MC80 build for Star Wars Armada, just because it is that good. Let’s make what was great even better!
The heavy hitter for the Rebellion, the MC80 is beast of a ship. The Assault Cruiser variant has massive broadsides that enable it to skirt the battle delivering heavy salvos of pain. Let’s kick off this bad boy!
The Defiance favors patient planning and activations. While attacking a ship that has already activated, add 1 die of any color to your attack pool. This is a great way to get extra damage with a black die at long range, or add a Leading Shots enabling blue die as well. Speaking of blue dice, let’s take a look at a new turbolaser upgrade.
Since the MC80 is a slow an purposeful ship; going speed 1 is a mainstay for this build. Since you will most likely be going slow the whole game, Quad Battery Turrets is great for the Defiance. This Turbolaser adds 1 blue die while attacking a ship that has a higher speed than you. Since you are speed 1, most likely your enemy ships will be going faster. If they are going speed 1 too, all the better since you have an advantage at long range.In order to keep your ship from being outmaneuvered, Engine Techs is a great upgrade for the MC80. This will keep your speed at 1 to enable Quad Battery Turrets, and can help boost you in the right direction. A nice way to “cheat” out extra speed.
Finally the Io Cannon slot. Leading Shots is perfect for any MC80 build as they throw out tons of dice. Being able to spend 1 blue die to reroll all of your other dice can go a long way in keeping your hits on target. Leading Shots can even be used at long range due to adding 1 blue die with either Defiance or Quad Battery Turrets. Efficiency!
The Rebel MC80 is a match for even the Empire’s mightiest Star Destroyers. Use these tips well, and you will make it through your next Armada battle!