The Best Battletome to Date? Sylvaneth Review

By Rob Baer | July 11th, 2016 | Categories: Uncategorized


Checkout the brand new Battletome format for Age of Sigmar with the Slyvaneth’s big 144 page rulebook this week!

If you’re loving you some Treefolk, or are just curious about the new Battletome format in the post casual Age of Sigmar world, this book is for you.

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There is tons of new rules in here for the Syvaneth inducing of course the new release warscrolls, but what surprised a lot of players is the brand new magic spells, artifact and more.

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Plus they may have just unlocked the blueprint for “allying in” other factions in a more controlled manner than what we’ve previously seen.

Don’t skip over their Warscroll battalion section, as that little treat and tons of ways of personalizing YOUR fey forces are waiting to be discovered there.

Clocking in at 144 pages this is by far one of the biggest supplements for a specific force in the Age of Sigmar.

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Here’s the features of the new book, straight from Games Workshop themselves:

  • Rites of Battle: potent abilities that can be conferred on armies with the Sylvaneth allegiance, and Command Traits that can be used by their generals; ­
  • Spell Lores: powerful magic, both defensive and offensive, specifically for sylvaneth wizards; ­
  • Artefacts of the Glades: relics of war, usable by sylvaneth heroes;
  • 3 Battleplans, helping you to fight glorious battles based on the narrative leading up to them;
  • 5 Warscroll Battallions, collections of miniatures who gain special abilities when combined; ­
  • 8 special Warscroll Battalions called Wargroves. These give you even more special abilities, magic items, command traits and spells;
  • 1 Historical Battalion, the Guardians of Alarielle, which recreates the alliance between the sylvaneth and the Stormcast Eternals;
  • details of the history and organisation of the sylvaneth, with full background for every unit, character and monster in the faction.

Be sure to take a closer look at the new Battletome below in our first look video review.

Overall Rating: 4.75 out of 5 Mortal Realmgates

Battletome: Sylvaneth $49.50


The spirit­song rises, and the sylvaneth march to war!

The air sings with glorious life magic as the children of Alarielle surge into battle. The reborn goddess of war leads from the front as glorious Wyldwoods burst forth from the heaving ground, called into being by ancient spirits. Determined to protect the Realm of Life, mighty Wargroves advance, crushing enemies with the inexorable strength of nature. Outcasts and Free Spirits strike suddenly and without warning, slaughtering the foe mercilessly to cleanse the tainted land. The sylvaneth’s rebirth will be remembered as a harbinger of absolute vengeance.



Sylvaneth Battletome First Look Review!


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