FORGE WORLD – Best in Show Entry Showcase

By Rob Baer | March 3rd, 2015 | Categories: Army of One, Forge World, Horus Heresy, Uncategorized

walpaper horus heresy

Prepare to be inspired guys. Come see some of the amazing entries from the Forge World Best in Show competition at the 2014 Horus Heresy Weekender.

Via Forge World

DER34R65UY3_465UR49D DER34FHG43_GF432R49A DER376Y3_JH554R49E DER4GE53_443TG5R49H DERHG653_J5768U5R49F DERHJGT654UGT3_456YJNH5R49G DER4GF344_SD43T49B DER5JHF43_4565Y5R49H VEW987LKSE654_HYGR3456Y48Alrg VEW980FS_R3SF3FD48Blrg VEW6FDH8JGj_RG688GD48Clrg (1) VEW6698GYII75_LOI28GD48Dlrg

And the winner Andy Wardle’s Loken Defiant



Grats Andy! Now if rumors are true we may just be seeing some of these guys in plastic soon!

Which do you want more, Plastic Adeptus Mechanicus OR Horus Heresy Legionnaires?

Vote NOW!