Games Workshop’s New Releases REVEALED

By Rob Baer | August 1st, 2016 | Categories: Uncategorized

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Checkout all the great new exciting releases that are coming our way soon from Games Workshop in August!

This weeks new releases via Games Workshop:

Battletome: Beastclaw Raiders $35

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Hulking raiders of the Mortal Realms!

Harbingers of dark months and dead seasons, marauders who stalk through the frozen darkness, the ogor tribes of the Beastclaw Raiders are gargantuan creatures of strength and hunger. Unlike orruks or warriors of the Bloodbound they fight not for the thrill but for survival – battlefields are their hunting grounds, and when the foe lies cold and dead their bodies are harvested with a gluttonous fury, for it takes a truly staggering amount of meat to satisfy these massive, ravenous raiders. Constantly on the move, their nomadic way leaves behind naught but a wasteland of cracked ice and frozen bones – and their appetites drive them to every corner of every mortal realm.

The 120-page hardback Battletome: Beastclaw Raiders contains:

Exclusive gaming content:

  • Forces of the Beastclaw Raiders; rules and abilities for your army, including powerful Allegiance Abilities – special Battle Traits and Command Traits;
  • Trophies of the Alfrostuns; magical artefacts hewn from frost-covered mountains which your heroes can use to gain an advantage;
  • 3 all-new Battleplans, detailing huge battles that show you how the Beastclaw Raiders fight;
  • 8 Warscroll Battalions, including 2 special Afrostuns that bestow extra powers and Braggoth’s Beast Hammer, an unlikely but strong unison of ogor and orruk forces;

All you need to begin collecting Beastclaw Raiders:

  • A wealth of background information and backstory – how are the Beastclaw Raiders’ hunting parties organised? How and why do they fight? Who are their leaders?
  • Tips for collecting the miniatures – whatever sort of army you want to field on the gaming table, however your playing style, we’ll show you some ideas to get you started;
  • guides to painting the markings of the various Beastclaw Raiders tribes – once you’ve picked your army, we’ll show you how to get them looking good!

Stonehorn Beastriders $58

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Riding two abreast on a Stonehorn, Beastriders bring down enemies with their snapping chaintraps and harpoons. The foe can try to retaliate, but the dense stone skeleton of the Stonehorn means their attacks simply glance off, whether blade or bolt. When Stonehorn Beastriders enter the battle, the meat harvest of the Beastclaw Raiders will be plentiful.

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This multi-part plastic kit contains all the components necessary to build the Stonehorn Beastriders, with a Citadel 120x92mm Oval base. The kit can optionally be used to assemble a Frostlord, Huskard or Beastriders on Thundertusk, or Huskard or Frostlord on Stonehorn.

Mournfang Pack $65

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The core of a Beastclaw Raiders Alfrostun, Ogors mounted on Mournfangs are always at the vanguard of a raid’s assault. Wielding clubs, blades and pistols, they’re very, very good at blocking an enemy’s attack before laying into them with wild abandon. The beasts they ride are equally fearsome, trampling to a pulp anything and everything unfortunate enough to get in the way.

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This multi-part plastic kit contains all the components necessary to build a Mournfang Pack, made up of 4 ogors riding Mournfangs. Supplied with 4 Citadel 90x52mm Oval bases.

Icefall Yhetees $50



Carrion creatures that follow the Beastclaw Raiders to share in their bounty of meat, Icefall Yhetees are seen as messengers of their savage god. Utterly silent and as sinister as winter, Yhetees emerge from the snow as if part of the blizzard itself, attacking with frost-cursed weapons that can freeze a creature’s blood with a single blow. As the Alfrostun closes for the kill, ever more Icefall Yhetees are drawn near by the smell of blood on snow, eager to reap the rewards of the fresh kill.

This multi-part Finecast kit contains the components necessary to assemble 3 Icefall Yhetees, supplied with 3 Citadel 50mm Round bases.

Icebrow Hunter $37



Not merely a terrifying, imposing brute, the Icebrow Hunter is surprisingly adept at laying traps and using his surroundings to launch ambushes with the aid of his Frost Sabres. As swift as the encroachment of winter, the Icebrow Hunter holds the place of finder and seeker of hunting grounds, reporting directly to his Frostlord. He has the ability to breathe a powerfully cold killing blizzard over his foes, drinking a magical elixir distilled from the blood of his Frost Sabres.

This multi-part Finecast kit contains all the components necessary to assemble one Icebrow Hunter, and comes supplied with a Citadel 50mm Round base.

Frost Sabres $17

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Massive felines with jutting, sword-like fangs, Frost Sabres form an unbreakable bond with their ogor pack master – enough for them to give up their lives in battle. Their blood, when drained and distilled, forms a powerful elixir that allows an ogor to breathe a magical blizzard over his enemies, freezing them where they stand. Of course, these majestic felines are not merely passive; on the battlefield, their fangs are enough to chill the blood of any foe, just before the Frost Sabre closes in and bites…

This multi-part Finecast kit contains all the components necessary to assemble 2 Frost Sabres and come supplied with two Citadel 60x35mm Oval bases.

Icewind Assault $215



Harbingers of dark months and dead seasons, marauders who stalk through the frozen darkness, the ogor tribes of the Beastclaw Raiders are gargantuan creatures of strength and hunger. Their assaults are relentless and furious, striking with all the suddenness of the encroaching winter. They fight not to conquer or dominate, but for sustenance – they are led by their bellies to their battles, and the victims of their slaughter are consumed, staving off the hunger briefly before the hunt begins anew.

This box set contains the Icewind Assault – an instant collection of Beastclaw Raiders miniatures, with their very own Warscroll Battalion providing them with special rules when fielded together! You’ll receive:

– 1 Frostlord on Stonehorn
– 1 4-man Mournfang Pack
– 1 Beastrider on Thundertusk
– 1 Icebrow Hunter
– 3 Icefall Yhetees
– 4 Frost Sabres

Time to play some Ogors?