How to Paint Astra Militarum: Mordian Style

By Drago | November 16th, 2017 | Categories: Astra Militarum, How To Tutorial, Next Level Painting, Videos

uberman mordian 1The Mordian Iron Guard are known for their discipline and penchant for cigars. Take a look at this quick and easy way to get yours table-top ready!

The Astra Militarum Mordians have never looked cooler than with this Uberman by Archon Studios. Using a combination of airbrush, paint brush, and a variety of paints, this model will be painted to tabletop standard very easily.

Blocking in Colors

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First step starts with applying a mix of Vallejo Model Air Black and Vallejo Model Color Prussian Blue. This combination will help get the classic Mordian blue onto the model. After laying down the first layer, adding more Prussian Blue will help get highlights onto the model immediately. Finally, a last highlight of pure Prussian Blue is added to make the fabric pop in places the light would easily hit. Next, Vallejo Model Color Blue Green is added as the brightest part of each highlight on the duster.

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The next step is to paint all the details in Vallejo Model Air Black, which is extremely easy to use via paintbrush due to its consistency. This includes all parts that will eventually be metal, which will help give all metals a darker, dirtier look. P3 Midlund Flesh and Sanguine Highlight  are combined to apply colour to the skin. Bloodstone from P3 is added to the hair. These colours are very thin, since hair and skin require several thin coats to get a great effect. Second and third layers of the skin should see more Midlund Flesh and finally adding in Sickly Skin by P3 to give a great highlight.. Sickly Skin is used to block in the white gloves. Mephiston Red by GW is added to block in the Mordian trim.

Building Transitions and Metallics

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Bogrin Brown by P3 is added as a thin base coat to the shield via airbrush. Meaty Ochre is thinned heavily via Vallejo Flow Improver and airbrushed onto the shield to blend colours and begin adding shine. Flash Gitz Yellow by GW is introduced to the Meaty Ochre and applied where the light would reflect from on the shield, mostly on the top. This is built up until you reach pure Flash Gitz in the airbrush to bring up a smooth transition. This transition will end up looking like metal painted yellow, rather than gold. Black is then added to the hinges prior to metallic paint being added. Screamer Pink by GW is added to the porthole as a place holder.

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Scale 75’s Black Metal is now brushed onto the weapons and bolts. Leave some of the black as is to provide a great contrast to the silver. Scale 75 Victorian Brass is added to cartritges and belt buckles to start bringing in bronzes and golds into the model. Screamer Pink by GW is added to the porthole as a place holder. After all the colours are blocked in, Vallejo Gloss Varnish is thinned slightly then sprayed onto the model to seal the paints and help guide the washes into the crevices.

The Wash Game

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Quickshade Wash Mixing Medium by Army Painter is mixed with both Dark Tone and Blue Tone to apply to the uniform. With the Gloss Varnish, the wash won’t stain and will easily fall into the crevices. This mixture can get onto the red to give some great effects to the red trim on the cloak. Dark Tone plus Wash Mixing Medium is added to the gun and gloves. Dark Tone and Flesh Wash is mixed (mostly Flesh Wash) is mixed with the medium and applied to the hair and skin in the same way. Light Tone is applied to the shield, plus a little Dark Tone to add some aging and character.

All About that Base

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On the base, Vallejo Dark Earth texture is applied via texture tool to the base. This stage can be done after the model is done or while waiting for any steps to dry. This brings up great texture and will help make a great base for adding items. Here, a piece of cork is broken off and attached to the base via the wet pumice. The rock is painted with some of the blues we had previously , adding some Sickly Skin to give a few highlights.

The final step is to apply Testor’s Lustorless Flat to seal everything and knock down the shine. This Mordian Uberman is now ready to go onto any table top. More details can be added as you wish, to customize the rest. The Uberman was finished live on the Twitch channel. You can see the VOD here.

For more Empire of Men information, and to order some fantastic minis of your own, check out Archon Studios. To see the entire process, be sure to press play on the video below!