Ultramarines Vs Nurgle Daemons LIVE 40k ITC Battle Report

Juice's Ultramarines Vs Nurgle Daemons LIVE 40k ITC Battle Report

We are bringing you another amazing LIVE battle report featuring Ultramarines versus Nurgle in this head to head match that you will not want to miss!

Ultramarines Vs Nurgle Daemons


Death Guard – 1999 Points

Battalion- Death Guard

Deamon Prince w/ hellforged sword and wings
32 cultist w/ autoguns, cultist champion
20 poxwalkers
20 poxwalkers

Outrider- Death Guard
Deamon Prince w/ hellforged sword and wings
Foetid Bloat-drone w/2 plague spitters
Foetid Bloat-drone w/2 plague spitters
Foetid Bloat-drone w/2 plague spitters

Spearhead- Nurgle
Nurgle Deamon Prince w/ hellforged sword and wings
Plagueburs Crawler w/2 plague spitters and Volley gun
Plagueburs Crawler w/2 plague spitters and Volley gun
Plagueburs Crawler w/2 plague spitters and Volley gun

Ultramarines Vs Nurgle Daemons


Ultramarines- 2000 Points

Battalion – Ultramarines
Lieutenant w/ chainsword and master-crafter bolter
Chief Librarian Tigurius
Scouts w/ 4 bolters and a heavybolter
Scouts w/ 5 sniper rifles
Scouts w/ 5 sniper rifles
Company ancient w/ power axe
Razorback w/ assault cannon
Razorback w/ assault cannon

Superheavy aux – Ultramarines
Roboute Guilliman

Spearhead – Ultramarines
Techmarine w/ servo-harness and power axe
Devastator squad w/ 4 missile launchers and armorium cherub
Devastator squad w/ 4 missile launchers and armorium cherub
Devastator squad w/ 4 missile launchers and armorium cherub
Relic Leviathon Dreadnaught w/ 2 heavy flamers and 2 storm array cannon

Ultramarines Vs Nurgle Daemons

Another great battle in the books! Don’t forget to check out Beats Lab Gaming and stay in the trenches of the Long War to catch more battle reports!

Don’t forget, Juice has teamed up with 40k Champ Sean Nayden to bring you personalized help with your tabletop game! Check out their new Battle-Brothers Tactics page and take your game to the next level!