Unboxing GW’s Tzeentch AoS Wave Two!

By Zeb Barrett | January 28th, 2017 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Product Review, tzeentch, Videos

tzaangor enlightened tzeentch wave 2

Tzaangors, Arcanites, and Shaman, oh my! Come check out these awesome additions to any Tzeentch Army for Age of Sigmar! 

It’s week two and we have the bird people. More Tzeentch is here and it’s coming in hot!

tzaangor enlightened tzeentch wave 2 tzaangor enlightened tzeentch wave 2

The Tzaangor Enlightened box comes with all the parts to build three Tzaangor Enlightened or three Tzaangor Skyfires, which are the ranged fighters. You can build these with or without the disk. If you choose to give them the disk, they gain flying, one extra wound, and also get the Daemon keyword.

tzaangor enlightened tzeentch wave 2

The Tzaangors are basically the same as we saw already released for 40k with the Thousand Sons releases except there are a couple different weapons for Age of Sigmar.

tzaangor shaman tzeentch

There is a really good formation in the new book called Arcanite Cabal, that allows you to take the Tzaangor Shaman, a Magister, and one of the mortal sorcerers on disk. This formation will allow you to do tons of damage!

To see everything we have to say about wave two of the Tzeentch releases, check out the video below!

Tzaangors: $40


Savage, avian beasts dedicated to Tzeentch, Tzaangors have been willingly warped into shapes and forms pleasing to the Architect of Fate. They watch and wait, with bestial cunning and cold intelligence, and when the time comes to strike they fight with a bitter strength, hacking with sharp blades and gouging horns. Eager to impress their duplicitous god, they fight with lunatic energies, hoping to be rewarded with further gifts of change.

This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble 10 Tzaangors, bedecked head to foot in the avian symbolism of Tzeentch. These models have a huge amount of customisation available:

– 24 (24!) heads – 12 different designs with 12 different sets of horns, meaning your Tzaangors will be unique;
– 12 savage blades, 12 arcanite shields and 12 sets of axe and pick – pair up the savage blades or carry one and a shield on each model, your choice;
– 2 models can be assembled as Mutants – these have special, mutated heads. In fact, they have 2 heads. Each. Accompanying their terrible deformity are special mutated weapons – 2 swords and 2 axes, each featuring staring eyes modelled on the hilts;
– 2 models can be assembled as icon bearers;
– 2 models can be assembled as Twistbrays, the unit leaders – there are 4 specific sets of extra-ornate horns for them, and 2 double-handed savage greatblades.

This kit comprises 142 components, and is supplied with 10 Citadel 32mm Round bases.

Tzaangor Enlightened: $35


Elite Tzaangors, possessing strange feathers and elaborate horns, the Tzaangor Enlightened are truly blessed with the favour of Tzeentch. They wield ornate spears that set them above their lesser kin, some even riding upon Discs of Tzeentch. Tzaangor Enlightened can see strands of the past – foes cower in superstitious fear as the Enlightened give voice to events from their lives that no-one ought to have knowledge of.

This multi-part plastic kit contains the parts necessary to assemble 3 Tzaangor Enlightened, armed with Tzeentchian spears. Each model can be assembled on foot, or riding one of the 3 included Discs of Tzeentch – these are covered in sinister spikes and horns used to smash and hack apart unfortunate enemies, with a sculpted magical element attaching them to the base. One can be assembled as an Aviarch, featuring his own chest plate, bearing his own headpiece (from a choice of 2) and carrying a more ornate weapon befitting his elevated status. 6 different heads are included enablng you to customise your models.

This kit is supplied with 3 Citadel 40mm Round bases, and can optionally be used to assemble 3 Tzaangor Skyfires.

Tzaangor Shaman: $35


Gifted with arcane abilities, precognitive visions and savage intelligence, Tzaangor Shamans are the most powerful of their kind. Born beneath dark omens, they are born to greatness, gifted with Discs of Tzeentch that raise them figuratively and literally above the heads of their peers. With dark magics they can grant a dubious boon to their foes – mutating them into a form infinitely more pleasing to Tzeentch, that of a new Tzaangor. Not content to hang back and rely on magic, the Tzaangor Shaman is a formidable close-range fighter, attacking savagely.

This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a Tzaangor Shaman. Wielding a ritual dagger and staff of change, he hovers above the ground on an elaborate Disc of Tzeentch, covered in sharp teeth and spiked horns, attached to the base with a sculpted representation of the powerful magics holding it aloft. He’s covered in ornate pieces of Tzeentchian armour, and carries an elixir which could possibly enhance his already impressive sorcerous abilities even further with a single great draught.

This kit comprises 16 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 40mm Round base.

Head over to Games Workshop to grab these models and start a new Tzeentch army today!