40k Review – Codex Orks 7th Edition

By Rob Baer | June 30th, 2014 | Categories: Orks, Product Review, Warhammer 40k News

It seems almost fitting that the Orks are the first codex out of the gate for 7th edition as they may be the evil poster children of 40k!

Checking in at five pages under the “normal” codex size of 110 pages, this book features a new unit singular unit entry page with a half page picture of every unit in the book as well.

So now it’s even easier to construct an army without electronic aides.

All of the new wargear, special rules etc are now at the back of the army entries, as well as the normal fold out appendices.  They also streamlined the painted figures gallery as each of the unit entries already have those new big half page images embedded in them as well.

There is also a ton of new artwork as well in the fluff section of the codex, that is very inspiring and quite possibly a huge part of the reason we even get involved in this hobby in the first place.

Plus for the first time in a “main stream” publication we have both a Lord of War, and a special formation included, as it seems Games Workshop is super serious about wanting us to play non-watered down 40k.

May we live in interesting times indeed!

Get your towels ready cause the Green Tide is coming! Check back soon for more on the new Orks! Waaaaaaaaaaaagh! -MBG