40k’s Secret, Not Secret, Weapon To Winning Games

By Wesley Floyd | November 16th, 2018 | Categories: Tactics, Warhammer 40k News

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We go over Warhammer 40k’s secret weapon to winning games that really is a no-brainer once you actually think about it.

Just like any tabletop game, 40k has all different kinds of damage dealers. But what is the most powerful of them all? The mortal wounds.

Mortal wounds are a big issue for most things in the game. The reason why they are so potent is that hardly anything gets a saving roll against it. They ignore all forms of Toughness/armor saves and deal a direct hit to the unit people you pay premium points for. Let’s dive deeper.

40k’s Secret Weapon To Winning Games

Psyker_Primaris 40k's Secret Weapon To Winning Games

Mortal Wounds Ignore Basic Steps of the Game. Normally, if a player wanted to kill a unit in the shooting phase, they would have to roll to hit, then to wound. Their opponent then makes a saving roll (armor or invulnerable). That’s three different steps of rolling just to see if a unit takes any damage.

Mortal wounds (especially from psychic powers) ignore that. Looking at the Psychic phase, Smite is a real threat to just about any army. As long as you roll a 5+ on two dice, you’re dishing out AT LEAST three mortal wounds. It could go up to a whopping six or more in the right circumstances. That could be six wounds that no one has to roll to hit, wound, or save against.

Mortal wounds are the way to go… but how do you get enough of them?

Cheap Psykers and Mortal Wound Tricks

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Sadly, some factions can do it better than others.

  • A Supreme Command detachment of cheap Imperial Guard Psykers wrapped in a blob of Guard screen sits at 3D3 mortal wounds a turn. That’s potent when you start doing the math.
  • Genestealer Cult can do the exact same thing with Maguses. The scary thing about the Magus is that he can drop into the board with a screen around him already.
  • Of course, there’s always the Thousand Sons and big ol’ Magnus with his one eye. He’s a mortal wound machine gun and can even do 2D6 mortal wounds on a smite.

Armies that don’t have cheap Psykers or just lack the psychic phase altogether still have ways of dealing out the pain. We’re talking about mortal wound tricks here.

tesseract ark

Necrons and their Tesseract Vault are able to fling mortal wounds like nobody’s business. We were even seeing up to three being taken in lists on the competitive level.

bloat drone

putrid detonation

Death Guard even have stratagems to make their vehicles more likely to explode. You can take some Bloat Drones kitted out for melee combat and fly them into a crowd of troops only to eventually explode.

Speaking of Death Guard…

The Faction That Can Withstand Mortal Wounds

death guard

Mortarion being an absolute killing machine isn’t the only reason why people run Death Guard. They are one of the only factions that have a decent save against mortal wounds. Nurgle Daemons can even re-roll failed Disgustingly Resilient rolls of 1 with a 2CP stratagem.

locus of fecundity

What do you think about mortal wounds in 8th edition? Do you spam them whenever you can?

What faction do you play? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.