All the New Death Guard Releases: Pricing & Details

Gw-new-releases-death-guard-heroes-morathiGW has a bunch of new Warhammer 40k Death Guard releases coming this week – check out the pricing & details!

More new releases are here from Games Worskhop including the long-awaited Death Guard update, so be sure to check these out! If you want a refresh on all the DG rule previews we had back in December before the delay, check out those posts below:

Death Guard 9th Edition Codex $50.00

dg codexThis beautiful tome is stuffed to the sores with brand new lore, art, and rules just waiting to spread death and disease across your tabletop.

After a month-long delay, the Death Guard codex is finally here! That means we might get more previews on top of those we saw in December. Content creators may also get review copies assuming GW isn’t allocating releases again, so we’ll all get to check out the rules before too long!

Death Guard Datacards $25.00

dg datacardsKeep all of the new profiles close at hand so you can focus on doing what the Death Guard do best with this new set of datacards. They’re perfect for a quick reference in the heat of battle – or when you don’t want to lower your collector’s edition codex down from its pedestal.

Getting data cards is always super helpful when learning new rules, it helps speed up those first couple of games exponentially since you won’t have to flip through pages.

Death Guard Combat Patrol $140.00

dg combat patrolThe chosen of Nurgle arrive in force to spread the virulent plagues of their devoted grandfather with a brand new Combat Patrol boxed set packed with everything you need to begin your campaign of contagion in the 41st Millennium.

The box comes with Typhus, Plague Marines, Poxwalkers, and a Biologus Putrifier. Each of these was solid options last edition, so assuming they all remain close to the old power levels, this is a great pick-up for any Death Guard player.

Lord of Virulence $35.00

dg Lord of VirulenceJoining their blighted brothers is the new Lord of Virulence, a fearsome leader clad in ancient, mutilated Terminator armour ready to dispense his god’s ‘blessings’ from the barrel of their plague spewer.

The Death Guard are also getting this fancy new character to help bolster their front lines. A Plaguespewer and Power fist hint that this guy will be a beast in close combat.

Miasmic Malignifier $60.00

dg Miasmic MalignifierFor those looking for a suitably horrifying backdrop for their Plague Company, the Miasmic Malignifier promises to bring the carefully cultured surroundings of Nurgle’s garden to battlefields across the galaxy.

Terrain Features that armies can take are usually pretty helpful, we have an idea of how these will work, but it will be interesting to see if there are any more secrets within the full codex!

Poxwalkers $35

Poxwalkers boxWho doesn’t need a ton of extra Poxwalkers shambling around (especially with the points drop)? If you want to really add a bunch of these, we would just look at grabbing the Combat Patrol because it comes with 30 of them!

Not a ton of stuff, but the most important part is we’re finally getting the codex!

With this wave of pre-orders, is there anything you will be getting? Which set is your favorite? 

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