GW Announces The Return Of Apocalypse

By James Rodriguez | November 19th, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

shadowswordChapter Approved will be released before Christmas this year, and it looks like we’re going to be seeing new rules to play games of Apocalypse.

Games Workshop just dropped another teaser for the upcoming Chapter Approved that will be out shortly. Let’s take a look at what they had to say about the return of Apocalypse.

In Chapter Approved, Apocalypse is back, featuring rules and scenarios for playing your biggest battles ever. Apocalypse games are focused on epic moments, grand narratives, and fun, while accommodating armies that can run into the tens of thousands of points. The toolset in the book is a flexible and robust base from which you could build countless scenarios. We like the rules for multi-board games; perhaps one table could have a clutch of Deathstrikes waiting to fire as a team of desperate Pathfinderstry to stop them before they annihilate the Ta’unar Supremacy Armour on another.

warhammer apocalypse

The Apocalypse missions are similarly awesome. Our favourite is Exterminatus, set during the death of a world while viral bombardments, cyclonic torpedoes and orbital lasers tear apart the very planet your warriors stand on.

40kChapter Approved Apocalypse

It’s not just about the games themselves – Chapter Approved is full of advice on organising your Apocalypse games. As anyone who’s tried to run a club can attest to, organising a pack of Warhammer fans has a lot in common with trying to herd cats. Thankfully, you’ll find tips for planning your games, picking a place and even using a gamemaster or umpire to make sure everything runs smoothly.

Chapter Approved Apocalypse

Apocalypse games are games you and your friends will remember for a long time. It’s great to see Games Workshop bringing it back and providing rules and a guide to help us organize games for our local groups. Can you imagine playing 10,000+ points of models on each side? These games are going to be epic!

In case you missed it, make sure you head on over and check out the latest preview on Vehicle Design Rules.

Check back in with us tomorrow when Games Workshop goes over some of the 24 new missions included in Chapter Approved.

What do you think about rules for Apocalypse being included in Chapter Approved? Are you and your gaming group going to play a game? We’d love to hear your plans for your next Apocalypse game, drop us a line in the comments below.

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