Barnes & Noble 15% Off Sale On GW Exclusives!

barnes noble space marine gw exclusive saleBarnes & Noble, is running a 15% off sale storewide, so now you can get their GW exclusive box sets a little cheaper for a limited time.

Barnes & Noble actually has a few boxed sets/board games sitting alongside their stock in all kinds of books. Among those are some GW products that you can get cheaper for a short time. The neat thing about these lesser-known box sets that GW puts out is that they usually have an exclusive character or two that are also usable in games like 40k. And now, in case you missed the first wave of releases, you can get your hands on a box or two for less!

Note that this 15% off deal is nearly store-wide. However, we’ll be taking a look at the GW products they have to offer because they’re usually harder to find/more sought after. Deal ends on February 17th, 2020

Barnes & Noble Running 15% Off Deal: Coupon Code PRESDAY

barnes and noble GW dealSome of the things Barnes & Noble has to offer for GW are a few Blitz Bowl teams (a sort-of spinoff of Blood Bowl) as well characters packs and a core game of Space Marine Adventures: Labyrinth of the Necron.

barnes and noble gw deal 2One of the more popular boxed games on sale is the 40k Combat Arena. This was the small release packed with characters that are completely usable in 40k.

new gw psykerThe Primaris Psyker alternate model is perfect for your Imperial Guard.

new gw crusaderNeed a T3 Inquisitor? Use this new Crusader sculpt!

new gw rogue trader


new gw servitorServitors are beginning to be used more and more for a cheap Elite slot filler. Why not pick up one with robot claws?

new gw techpriestDaedalosus, probably the most popular character out of the box, is a named Admech character that’s dirt cheap and actually sees competitive play. 

barnes and noble gw deal 3Whether you’re a fan of 40k or Age of Sigmar, there’s something for you, and it’ll be cheaper for a very short time.

Coupon Code: PRESDAY Thru Feb 17th, 2020

With all of this covered, what will you be grabbing from Barnes & Noble? Will it be anything GW related? What’s your favorite character out of the Combat Arena box?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!