Beautiful Deathwatch Chaplain from Castle Brush EU

Deathwatch Captain feature rCheck out this outstanding Deathwatch Chaplain brought to us by the hobby maniacs at Castle Brush EU- check it out!

The artistic team at Castle Brush is pumping out some amazing-looking projects for the worldwide hobby community. This level of painting is as crisp as it gets, hence the name, Box Art quality! This is even above the Overlord quality, so get ready for an amazing paint job. (for the complete description of their quality levels, visit their site ).  Sometimes we just don’t have time to paint, let Castle Brush do it for you!

If you love what Castle Brush is doing, check out some of their other showcases here.  Today, we’re going to let them walk you through this wild project. That way you can hear from them how much work went into a single mini.

Deathwatch Chaplain from Castle Brush EU

Deathwatch CaptainToday we’d like to present this single miniature – Blood Angels Chaplain, seconded to Deathwatch! 

Deathwatch Captain 5The task was to paint him up to match the ‘box art’ standard, presented at the GW’s website.

Deathwatch Captain 2While noticing the upgrades, which is a bit above our ‘Overlord’ quality level. The airbrush was kept to minimal, just to prime the miniature and achieve a thin and even coat of black, while all else was painted using just the standard brush techniques.

Deathwatch Captain 3


Deathwatch Captain 6This miniature is based upon Blood Angels Chaplain with Jump Pack, with additional bits from Deathwatch Upgrade Sprue, as well as custom Shapeways 3d-printed Storm Shield – which is, in fact, magnetized, so that the Chaplain may switch it for his Inferno Pistol.

Deathwatch Captain 4Judge the final effect by yourself. If you want to see even more about the project, check out the Instagram post on it here

-Simon from Castle Brush

That does it today for this awesome project. If you are looking for a studio that can handle anything from dioramas to full-scale armies, make sure you check out the creative team at Castle Brush today!

Start your Next Project with Castle Brush!