Painting Blood Angels to a tabletop standard doesn’t have to be hard- check out this tutorial to get your army ready for the tabletop!
Hello Everyone. Josh here again with a take on painting Blood Angels fast, Specifically Blood Angel Terminators. Let’s get right into it.
Beginner’s Guide to Painting Blood Angels: Tutorial
To start, you will need these paints:
Editor’s Note: It used to be Fire Dragon primer, however, Army Painter now looks to only have Dragon Red/Pure Red primer.
You will want to start by priming all your Blood Angels with the red primer you chose. This will save you tons of time on painting them all red. Then wash them all with Carroburg Crimson.
Once the wash is dry, highlight the armor using Khorne Red. Now, you could stop at this last step. But if you want the armor to look more natural, go ahead and highlight all the areas natural light would hit with Mephiston Red. Then follow that by just hitting the edges with Evil Sunz Scarlett.
Gold Detailing
Next up is the golds. For this, you will want the following paints:
To start the gold, go around all the models and basecoat any spots you want with Brass Scorpion. After the basecoat is done, wash it with Agrax Earthshade.
Then, once the wash is dry go ahead and highlight it with Sycorax Bronze, leaving the lowest recesses Agrax Earthshade. Now just hit the highest edges of the metal with Runefang Steel.
Other Metal Bits
After that, we’ll do the metal. Make sure you have these paints:
Basecoat all the metal areas using Leadbelcher. Then, do a wash of Nuln Oil. Next, you’ll want to drybrush Leadbelcher back over the areas you washed. Then, do one final drybrush/highlight of Runefang Steel over the area. (Make sure all your drybrush pass overs are very light. You only want a little bit of paint to hit on each stroke.)
Banners, Cords & Fabric
For the next part, we’re doing all the cordage and fabric. You will need the following paints:
Start by basing all the fabric areas with Rakarth Flesh. Then, wash them with Seraphim Sepia. Once the wash is dry re-apply the Rakarth Flesh, leaving the deepest recesses the color of the wash. Do the same with Ushabti Bone. If you’re doing cords then you can stop here. However, if you’re doing scrolls, then take some Abbadon Black and make little lines on the scrolls to give the impression of writing.
I’ll rapid-fire a bunch of colors to fill in all the details of the model. For the leaves, use Sybarite Green, followed by a wash of Biel-Tan Green, and finish with Moot Green on the tips.
Final Touches
For the eyes and lenses, I hit them with Macragge Blue, followed by a touch of Bahharoth Blue. And lastly, I detailed the blood drops. For these, just basecoat them with Naggaroth Night, then put a spot of Dechala Lilac at the bottom, followed by a spot of Pallid Wych Flesh at the top.
To finish the model all that’s left is the base. This is easily accomplished after everything is done by laying down a base of Astrogranite texture paint with a wash of Nuln Oil. After the wash is dry, drybrush the base using Celestria Grey. Once that’s done just glue some grass or rocks in place and you’re done. (But, you can make the base in any way that fits your army.)
What do you think about the new Blood Angels rules? Have you decided to join the Sons of Sanguinius or are you a longtime Blood Angels fan?
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I have been a hobbyist/player for 15 plus years. I like a multitude of tabletop games but mostly enjoy the ones where I get to build or paint something! Don’t get me wrong, the game part is fun but there is nothing like putting a model you are truly proud of on a table.