Biggest GW Previews Ever: Week Two New Release LATEST

Angels of death wal space marine horDon’t miss the latest on all the new releases that were part of the big GW online previews over the weekend on Warhammer Community.

The first week of the Biggest GW Previews ever are here! Rescheduled due to the cancelation of Adepticon, Games Workshop is revealed their latest news and previews on Twitch and Warhammer Community Saturday, April 3rd.

 Biggest GW Previews Ever: New Release LATEST

gw preview adepticonSure, we’ve seen a few models here and there over the past weeks, here’s the latest…

Sisters of Battle have gotten a ton of love in recent months. But with Psychic Awakening still going strong, we know their support isn’t over. They’re getting a new character along with some other sweet content.

GW Confirms 40k Daemonifuge, Pariah & Necrons LATEST

psychic awakening pariah


We’ve been saying Daemonifuge may be back and it’s official, Psychic Awakening: Pariah isn’t just about Necrons. We’ve got the most bad-ass  Sister herself, Ephrael Stern making a splash into the scene (again).

sisters of battle pariah ephrael stern


sisters of battle pariah ephrael stern and bodyguardThe champion of some of the most iconic Warhammer graphic novels ever written, Ephrael Stern is getting a model of her own – just in time to test her powers against the greatest threat the Imperium has ever faced. She’s not alone – you’ll be able to field her alongside the Sisters of Battle, or with any Imperium force, and she’ll be accompanied by her Harlequin companion, Kyganil.

So not only will all Imperial players be able to roll her out on the table. But we’re also getting her Harlequin bodyguard, Kyganil aka the Pariah. Which oh my goodness he looks like he slaps. We’ll have to see if he’s able to be taken as something like an HQ in Harlequin-exclusive lists as well.

sisters of battle daemonifuge

Pre-Order Daemonifuge NOW!

Now on top of a new Psychic Awakening announcement and two new models, the Black Library is also dropping a 20th-anniversary edition of the Daemonifuge novel.

Psychic Awakening Support Coming to White Dwarf

deathwatch harlequins psychic awakeningWhat might be a bit of a bummer to some Deathwatch/Harlequin fans out there, your Psychic Awakening is coming in a White Dwarf further down the line. You won’t be getting a full book. But hey, your rules will be a lot cheaper to get your hands on.

Engine War, War of the Spider, and now Pariah ahead for Psychic Awakenings, the exciting lore and rules releases are still going strong.

New Lumineth Realm-Lords Army Box for AoS REVEALED!

GW’s not done with the Lumineth Realm-Lords yet! Check out this starter box that GW just previewed. It’s coming with all the stuff you’ll ever need for the faction supplement-wise on top of a few models as well. This was all first seen on Twitch, and then shortly after on Warhammer Community.

If you’re one of those people that likes to ball out on starting a new faction, check this out.

GW Reveals Lumineth Realm-Lords Army Box!

lumineth realmlords online preview 2 box 3GW is trying something new on this next AoS release. Making it easier for new players and vets alike to start the Realm-Lords, they’re throwing a ton in this box. It looks like we’re getting a Battleline, a Cavalry unit, and a Leader on top of other game aides.

lumineth realmlords online preview 2 boxFor the game aids, you’re getting a Battletome, which by the way that artwork looks incredible. Some objectives, warscroll cards, a 3″ measuring stick (which is money in AoS). and some dice. It’s really the baller’s starter box if you were already planning on grabbing everything available for the faction.

lumineth realmlords online preview 2 box 2We’ll have to keep our eyes peeled in the days ahead for how much this box will cost on top of anything else that GW might want to give the faction.  Right now it looks sorta like a cross between a Start Collecting box and the premium accessories that are normally sold separately.

GW Previews First New Realm-Lord Rule

lumineth realm-lords lightning reactinsThe first look we’ve gotten rules-wise for the Realm-Lords is Lightning Reactions. This is a neat little combat trick that lets two units fight before anything else gets selected. That’s REALLY powerful as we know how brutal the Hedonites of Slaanesh can be as they have strike-first combat tricks left and right.

But after looking at all the love the Lumineth Realm-Lords are getting, we’ll have to see what kind of role they fill on the tabletop. With Alliance: Death factions obviously being hard to kill/resurrecting and the Gitz just being wacky dumb creatures, the Aelves of Hysh are definitely looking unique.

Two More 40k Animated Series on the Way: Warhammer Storyforge

In case you missed the first animated trailer for Death’s Hand, be sure to check that out for yourself as well. That was all previewed in the first batch of online previews from last week.

Another Angels of Death Trailer Revealed

Overall, the animation style for the film looks very interesting. Everything is a muted black and white except for anything that’s a Blood Angel. We’re not sure if that’s how the entire film will be but looking from the trailer, it’s got a very Helsreach-type of vibe going on.

angels of death wal


angels of death 2Taking place in deep space, there’s a Tyranid ship that’s decided to start monching on a Blood Angels fleet. The ships are bite-sized compared to the size of this thing and we’re thrown right into the split-second decision making of a few officers on-board of what to do.

angels of death 3Of course, some hips aren’t as lucky…Also, check out the outline of something just beyond the ship. There’s the silhouette of some massive pincer arms attached to something VERY big.

angels of death 4GW isn’t just showing how sucky it would be to get caught in outer space by a hungry Tyranid fleet. They’ve also got another mystery project in the works that looks hyper-realistic.

Angels of Death isn’t the only project in the works right now. The Warhammer universes are amazing, diverse places and the Storyforge team are exploring all sorts of art and animation styles. So, if you fancy a tease of things yet to come, check out this amazing frame from a forthcoming project in a very different style. 

A Super-Realistic Animation Gets Teased

gw storyforge realistic animation 1We’ve gotta give props on this one. We’ve only seen a VERY small look at what’s ahead (we don’t even know the name of it). But holy cow look at the detail. This could be a cutscene from a modern-day game. The scarring, the blood spatter. Everything looks phenomenal.

gw storyforge realistic animation 2


gw storyforge realistic animation 3WHC also dropped a 360 view of a Space Marine character we’ll be seeing more of. Look at the size of those service studs! It’ll be cool to see what Chapter he belongs to and how the Sisters are involved in the days ahead.

GW Previews What’s Next For Blood Bowl & LOTR

GW just teased a batch of new models on the way to Blood Bowl and LOTR. Without delay, let’s check out what’s ahead.

Treemen Come to Blood Bowl


blood bowl tree man 1


blood bowl tree man 2


blood bowl tree man 3Treemen in Blood Bowl aren’t so much players as defensive emplacements. In a Wood Elf team, they’re a vital strongpoint, helping to shore up your team’s shortcomings by punching them incredibly hard. For Halflings – whose shortcomings are perhaps too substantial for a whole team of Treemen to overcome – you can throw any underperforming players directly into the End Zone, should the occasion call for it. A multitude of build options for this plastic kit allow you to customise your Treeman (or Treemen!), and it even includes the Blood Bowl debut of a fan-favourite character – Akhorne the Squirrel!

blood bowl tree man 5These Tree Men are big, strong, and ready to pick up the slack on where your Blood Bowl team lacks. With two build options, you’ll be able to pull out all kinds of detail on these models. Check out the treasure that’s been overgrown by vines and bark on that last mini.

New LOTR Characters Anborn, Mablung & More

lotr quest of the ringbearer bookLOTR is getting a new book called Quest for the Ringbearer. You’ll be able to play through a bunch of narrative missions along with some new characters on the way.

Quest of the Ringbearer allows you to retell the epic story of The Lord of the Rings™ through loads of interlinked narrative missions, as you follow the Fellowship through their greatest battles. This is a great way to rediscover the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game of your youth or, if you’re a new player, experience the joys of guiding the Fellowship through epic moments you remember from the motion pictures.

new lotr character ablungAnborn and Mablung, Rangers of Ithilien.

These two Rangers are also on the way to make your fellowship that much stronger. They actually did a pretty good job on their faces this time too!

 In-game, both are Minor Heroes with a lot to offer a Ranger-heavy force, particularly if you throw in Faramir, Madril & Damrod. 

Here Be Giants! Sons of Behemat Confirmed For Age of Sigmar

Sure, we’ve seen a few models here and there over the past week. But now we’re going to be taking a dive into the next Age of Sigmar faction. The confirmed Sons of Behemat.

GW Confirms Sons of Behemat For Age of Sigmar

The clues that popped up were all correct! Sons of Behemat have been confirmed by GW and they’re looking SWEET. We haven’t seen any models just yet…Only artwork. But the video they dropped is enough to give you chills.

With a spooky folk-lore type of story, this is similar to the Krampus legend. Basically, “if’ you’re a bad kid, you’re going to get eaten”.

sons of behemat 1Three Gargants were mentioned in the story… The Kraken-Eater, The Warstomper, and The Gatebreaker. Well, if you pay close attention to the artwork in the video, they match up. It looks like these are the next three unique models headed to the faction.

sons of behemat 2


sons of behemat 3


sons of behemat 4Age of Sigmar has notoriously favored horde armies. But with this faction looking to be solely based around big models, hopefully, these guys will be able to keep the game honest and give the elite factions a better fighting chance. The cherry on top is that this is going to be another Destruction Battletome!

It’ll be interesting to see how allies work. Mainly because the Gloomspite Gitz already have two Gargants that are in their main faction. We could see an FAQ pulling them out once the book drops. Or maybe GW will just let both Aleguzzler and Bonecrusher Gargants allowed in both books.

New GW Stock Up Sale Voucher, Daemonifuge Book & MTO Release

GW Drops Voucher Offer For a Limited Time

gw voucher offerWith the effects of COVID-19 felt around the world, businesses are lending a helping hand to their customers. GW is no different. They’re bringing back vouchers and for every  £50 (or local equivalent), they’ll be throwing in an added £5 for free. 

…until the end of April, for every £50 (or local equivalent) of Virtual Voucher you pick up, we’ll add in another £5 for free. There’s no limit to this, giving you a great way to save for, and save on, the Warhammer hobby project you’re itching to start when the clock resets and the world gets back to normal.

If you’ve got the money to spare, you’ll be able to save by buying vouchers from GW. Once the dust settles on the Coronavirus, you’ll be able to redeem them and get more bang for your buck!

Daemonifuge – 20th Anniversary Edition (Warhammer 40,000)

Hardcover – May 26, 2020  20th Anniversary edition of the classic graphic novel, colourised for the first time.

Ephrael Stern – Sister of Battle – Daemonifuge! Tainted soul or living weapon against the dark forces of Chaos? Under investigation by the Inquisition, Ephrael Stern and the Inquisitor Silas Hand must place their trust in each other as they embark on a dangerous quest to discover the origins of her power.

Pre-Order Daemonifuge NOW!

Lieutenant Amulius $35

primaris lieutenant amulius

This multipart plastic model comes in 7 components and is supplied with a Citadel 40mm Round Base. You’ll find the full rules for a Primaris Lieutenant in Codex: Space Marines.

Crusade + Other Stories

Crusade + Other stories

 Each week, you can get a specially selected audiobook for just 99p to help keep you entertained. Head to the Black Library Audio app today to get your copy of the fantastic Soul Wars by Josh Reynolds, and check in tomorrow to download this week’s offer, Crusade + Other Stories!

This unique Lieutenant is one-of-a-kind of if it tickles your hobby pickle, be sure to pick it up!

With the second wave of previews down, we have a huge amount of releases from GW ahead.

Learn 3D Printing While Working From Home

What do you think about this big reveal? Are you hoping to get any of the new models when they release? Which are you most excited for?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!