New 40k Primaris Black Templars Emperor’s Champion!

new-emperor's-championIt’s happening! A brand new Black Templars Primaris Emperor’s Champion has been revealed, and yep he’s Primaris!

It is almost time for the pious to prosper once again!

If you like dope new minis, this is going to be right up your alley! It keeps the feel of the old mini but takes it to a new level, both in size and in detail. We saw a teaser for this mini back in the Warzone Octarius preview so it’s not a total surprise, but it’s still exciting to see new minis!

Warhammer Community just unveiled the latest mini and a nice little size comparison for us as well.

Let’s first look at the reveal from the Octarius Warzone book, then jump into the new mini.

war zone octarius book 1

War Zone Octarius Book 1: Rising Tide is the next major narrative supplement for Warhammer 40,000, covering the formation of the Cordon Impenetra and the Imperium’s desperate attempts to keep the war contained. Octarius is packed full of both lore and rules for the armies involved, including new Armies of Renown and Codex Supplements.

New Black Templars Teased

Warhammer Community unveiled a sneaky new teaser for Black Templars without giving any specifics. Could it be a Codex/Supplement?


black templarsWhile it’s very dark, we can make out what looks like an Emperor’s Champion-style Black Templar Marine. Is this a hint to whatever is coming?

black templars 2The other main image in the short teaser is simply the Black Templar logo, with the teaser ending with “Prepare to Crusade”.

Here are the same images enhanced by our tech cats:


Looks like that is indeed the Emperor’s Champion- potentially even of the Primaris variety. What foreshadowing this video had…

Graphics-wise you could almost make that case that GW knew someone with Photoshop skills™ would enhance this image, and they purposefully blacked out the obvious “primaris” parts.

New Black Templars Primaris Emperor’s Champion!

Black Templars Emperors Champion 2Wreathed in divine light, descending from the cold darkness of space with righteous fury, please be upstanding for the living miracle himself – the Emperor’s Champion.

Well, this is definitely Primaris sized, just like we had hoped. The new mini is honestly really cool without totally changing the look and feel of the original. Plus who doesn’t love them a tactical rock too boot!

Black Templars Emperors Champion 3Emperor’s Champions also wear the Armour of Faith and an Iron Halo, artefacts of such sacred power that the Black Templars have been known to launch entire crusades to recover them if a Champion falls in battle. This is a Chapter that does not mess around.

They definitely added a lot of detail this time around and he is super dynamic for sure!

Size Comparison

Black Templars Emperors Champion 4This new Emperor’s Champion is actually a careful homage to a classic model from antiquity – Warhammer 40,000’s third edition – which honours Chapter tradition by retaining an iconic pose.

The size is quite bigger and just makes this poor old Champion look a bit shrimpy. Now your Champion doesn’t have to be smaller than all those pesky Primaris!

The fear of missing out is real if you’re a Black Templars player, as their new Army launch box is the only way to get their new codex and models early.

New Warhammer 40k Black Templars Army Launch Box Revealed!

Black Templars Army Box Revealed gencon

Games Workshop revealed the new Black Templars Army Launch box at Gen Con 2021, and it looks stacked with tons of new models for the crusading legion.

Warhammer Community published the details of the contents, and just like the Beast Snagga and Sisters of Battle Army launch boxes before them, they appear to have similar value. Of course for aspiring hobbyists this will be the only way to get their new rules early, so the fear of missing out is real for Black Templars players the world over.

Crucially, this set is the first place aspiring High Marshals can clench their gauntleted fists around the new Codex Supplement: Black Templars. This launch edition book comes with an exclusive cover featuring iconic John Blanche artwork from aaaaaaaaall the way back in the third edition of Warhammer 40,000.


Black Templars Army Box Revealed gencon army shot

The Army Set contains 13 miniatures, including 12 new Black Templars – a Marshal, the Emperor’s Champion, and a 10-man Primaris Crusader Squad with a ton of build options. You’ll also get a Redemptor Dreadnought, for targets which require a more forceful elimination.

A solid force for sure that includes the new Primaris Emperor’s Champion that has been previewed already. Also included is a very cool-looking new Marshal model very similar to the limited-edition one that came in the 3rd Edition army box over 20 years ago!

Black Templars Army Box Revealed marshal

It will not have escaped your notice that the Crusader Squad is mixed. Those lads with the snazzy pudding-basin haircuts aren’t Scouts, though – they’re Primaris Neophytes, raw recruits who act as squires to the Initiates they accompany into battle. The kit also allows you to assemble a veteran Sword Brother to oversee the squad. 

Upping the Primaris game are new Neophytes models as it looks like Firstborn and their Neophytes’ days may be numbered for hobbyists…

Black Templars Army Box Revealed gen con initiate 1

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Also rounding out this set is the new Pyreblaster model along with a Sword Brother who both look to be part of the Crusader Squad that comes in the box.

Black Templars Army Box Revealed limited edition book

Speaking of 3rd edition 40k, it looks like the cover of the Limited Edition Codex features that starter set’s iconic John Blache artwork. Plus for Maximum purging, new army data cards will be included in the launch box as well.

Black Templars Army Box Revealed cards

Rumors say look for this to hit pre-order very soon with the rest of the army to follow in November/ December of this year! Overall it’s a great time to be a loyalist and an even worse time to be a heretic!

Need more on everything Black Templars? Here’s the latest news and rumors for these crusaders!

All the Latest on the New Black Templars

Are you excited about the new mini? Will you be upgrading your Black Templars when the book comes out?

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