Creature Caster’s Lady Of Depravity Now Available

Lady of Depravity Creature CasterThe new Lady Of Depravity from Creature Caster is now available for pre-order. This is another perfect example of why Creature Caster is here to stay!

Creature Caster has put out some fantastic looking models, and it doesn’t look like they’re anywhere from done. Let’s take a look at what they had to say about the new Lady Of Depravity model that is now available for pre-order.

Lady of Depravity

Lady of Depravity is limited to 100 Preorders. Preorder will ship on Oct 9th 2017. All items purchased with a preorder will ship with that preorder. 

Please select currency at top of page. Free shipping available for qualifying orders (see bottom of page). 

Lady of Depravity

The Lady of Depravity is a devotee of the flesh, and craves the sensation of touch. Through countless dark bargains she has transformed her body to suit this purpose. For her it is not enough just to move. Instead she embraces the ground with her tail, feeling each grain of sand upon her scales. She caresses the wind with her wings, reveling in the cold bite across her delicate skin. It is not enough just to fight. Instead she grasps her victims tight, feeling their struggles like an electric current across her epidermis. She plays with her victims allowing them to land blows against her that explode in a riotous mosaic of sensation across her body. She slits and rends their flesh, her blades impaling them in a perverse union, two forms bound together in blood and viscera. All of this is performed with a surgeon’s skill, often choosing not to strike mortal blows.

Lady of Depravity

Death is a gift that the Lady of Depravity will rarely give, and their are far worse fates in the demon realms than dying. It is common for her to drag victims back to her lair; a massive underground network of tunnels and caves that is home to her slave army. Strange incense fills her burrow causing an  enhanced sensitivity to touch. Here every possible form of fleshy decadence is made available, along with every imaginable form of physical suffering.

The Lady of Depravity is hand cast in pure, unfilled, resin. Model is unassembled and unpainted. Intended for ages 14+. No where else will you find a quality resin model of comparable size for this price.

Pre-orders are now available and limited to 100 models, so make sure you head on over to Creature Caster and get your pre-order in while you can. Creature Caster is quickly becoming a one stop shop for Chaos fans everywhere, make sure you stop by and check out everything they have available.

Are you going to be getting this new model? Let us know in the comments below.

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