Daemons Take #1 at Viking Games GT: Top 40k Army Lists

Top-3-army-lists-40k-wal-horDaemons won the Viking Games tournament over the weekend, as these Warhammer 40k army lists took the top three spots!

The tournament is over, and now we can look at which lists managed to secure a place at the top! Check out what these winners brought into their armies.

Daemons Take #1 at Viking Games GT: Top 40k Army Lists

We can look back at the event thanks to Best Coast Pairings as if we were all there ourselves. Save $20 by subscribing for a year of BCP by clicking this special promo link.

3rd Place: Patric Wreeth – Chaos Knights

Knight Heretic chaos wal hor


Patric Wreeth 1


Patric Wreeth 2

2nd Place: Anton Lukkarinen – Blood Angels

blood angels wal hor


Anton Lukkarinen 1


Anton Lukkarinen 2


Anton Lukkarinen 3


Anton Lukkarinen 4

1st Place: Martin Hultgren – Chaos Daemons


Martin Hultgren 1

Martin got first place with a great Daemon list led by a Blood Thirster, Skarband, and a Tormentbringer, all insanely strong melee models that can deal immense damage once they charge in. Plus there was also a Changecaster to provide some psychic support.

Martin Hultgren 2

Troops have 18 Plaguebearers for decent melee models that can soak some wounds.

Elites bring in even more melee threats with 10 Fiends, followed by seven Flamers for great shots that can take out chaff, and Space Marines just the same!

Martin Hultgren 3

Finally, the list closes out on mobility with 12 Flesh Hounds, which can hopefully charge enemy ranged models to prevent them from getting shots off on the big models in the army.

Click Here For More Top Warhammer Army Lists

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