Deathwatch’s Decurion & Formations REVEALED

By Rob Baer | August 10th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Come see the new Black Spear Detachment, and all the formations from the brand new 40k Deathwatch codex book that’s coming this week!

You heard it here first!

It looks like more than one hobbyist has gotten their copy of the new codex book this week! Checkout the latest datasheets for team Deathwatch, or the Emperor’s All Stars!

Source:  GoonBandito

Q: GoonBandito, I was wondering if you could explain how the Tactical/Maelstrom Objectives work (and what they are) for the Deathwatch since they have 18 unique ones?

A: Oh yeah, there are 3 ‘sets’ and you choose which set you want to use before the mission starts. The Primus set is more aimed at killing HQElites/Characters, Secundus Set more aimed at kill Troops/mass models, and the Tertius is aimed at killing Heavy Support/LoW/Fast Attack/Vehicles. Fits in with the Mission Tactics rule and the Kill Team Formations which are geared toward picking a Force Org Slot to focus on.

Edit: also, haven’t talked about the sprues yet! Veterans are in Mk VIII armour with CCW/Ammo Pouches part of the rear torso bit, rear torso cloak for the Black Shield. 2x Heavy Thunder Hammer, 2x the sexy as hell Storm Shields, 2x Power Mauls, 6x Power Swords, 1x Xenophase Sword, 1x Combi-Melta/Plas, 1 Stalker Boltgun, 2x Deathwatch Shotgun, 1x Infernus Heavy Bolter, 1x Frag Cannon. The ‘Vanguard Sprues’ are a bit boring in comparison, with 4prs Lighting Claws, 4 normal Storm Shields, 4 normal Thunder Hammers, a Power Axe and a Relic Blade. Dreadnaught Sprues have Twin-linked Lascannon, Plasma Cannon and Assault Cannon arms, plus either Storm Bolter or Heavy Flamer options for the Power Fist arm.

There’s lots of Deathwatch Shoulder pads, plus a Shoulder pad for each of the First Founding chapters plus Black Templars, Silver Skulls, Howling Griffons, Brazen Claws, Minotaurs, Flesh Tearers and Novamarines and a Black Shield pad.

deathwatch black spear strike force

Teleport Deployment Activated!

deathwatch black spear strike force

Six New Formations can make up the Black Spear!

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Wow those are some pretty neat rules for the first Deathwatch units for 40k!  Checkout all the new Datasheets and the new formations & Decurion below:

Deathwatch Rules Roundup

Here’s What We Know About The New Deathwatch:

Source: luchiban 

deathwatch codex contents table

Plus the book holds 15 new datasheets, what looks to be seven new formations, what may be two detachments / formations, and the Black Spear Strike Force.


Red alert for all our wallets this week!

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