Fixing 8th Edition 40k Step 1: Update Forge World Rules

forge-world-futureproofGW announced that they will be updating Forge World rules at LVO. This may just be the first big step to fixing 8th Edition 40k, but is it 2-1/2 years too late?

During the 2020 LVO, Warhammer Community rolled out a ton of previews for what’s ahead of them in the year. Among a new AoS faction, more Psychic Awakening support, and even new Ad Mech units, they also mentioned that 40k’s Forge World units were getting tweaked in the form of new books.

“Since the release of the Forge World indexes a couple of years ago, Warhammer 40,000 has changed a lot. While the indexes were a great reference resource, we want to give you something even better – which is why the Warhammer 40,000 studio embarked on a project to bring you a series of all-new books with updated rules for these units and armies. “

That has us very excited here at Spikey Bits!

chaplain dread

Conversions Are a Must, As GW Continues to Hold the Hobby Hostage

Currently, it seems that the past two years of rules updates have been to curb the exploits of overperforming yet undercosted units that took the competitive scene by storm. Meanwhile cool units like Titans, flyers, super-heavy tanks and the like were regulated to obscurity, barely able to be fielded against a constantly evolving hyper meta that made them literal dinosaurs on the tabletop in seemingly any format.

Looks like GW aims to change that…

Fixing 40k Forge World Units

leviathan dreadnought wal horIn the midst of all the previews, WHC had this to say:

Since the release of the Forge World indexes a couple of years ago, Warhammer 40,000 has changed a lot. While the indexes were a great reference resource, we want to give you something even better – which is why the Warhammer 40,000 studio embarked on a project to bring you a series of all-new books with updated rules for these units and armies. 

legion glaive space marines forge world.jpgBut that wasn’t all that they announced. A little while later, Warhammer Community dropped another posed honing in on the announcement.

The Warhammer 40,000 Studio – those industrious people behind rulebooks, codexes and expansions like the Psychic Awakening books – are hard at work on a new series of tomes that will cover the range of Warhammer 40,000 miniatures Forge World produce. These books will include updated datasheets and army rules that give these glorious models abilities and benefits that are comparable to the rest of the forces in the game.

Reading Between the Lines

imperial guard hor walWe’re not sure if we’re reading too close into what GW had to say, but as far as we can tell, the only thing that’s coming are specifically rules changes. That means that points might not be getting touched on. Especially after they just had their points tweaked a bit in Chapter Approved 2019, although many would argue they didn’t tweak the Forge World line enough.

With that being said, we may very well see rules adjusted to the appropriate rules cost. For example, the Falchion, a T9 volcano cannon-wielding Tank had no invuln save, but costs around 1,000 points. We may see it get something like a 4++ or 5++ invuln on top of a couple of other rules top make up for its enormous price.

There’s still a lot of grey area on what Forge World units they’ll be touching (if not all of them). And with that said, we don’t even know what kind of rules they have in mind to hand out.

Imperial Armor Astartes PostOne thing is for sure though, the Imperial Armor Index book’s days are numbered, but our Forge World models’ may not be much longer…

What do you think we’ll be seeing in the future for Forge World 40k units? Do you have a bunch of Forge World units sitting on the shelf right now? What’s your favorite model?

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Conversions Are a Must, As GW Continues to Hold the Hobby Hostage.

black eye warhammer 40kWith the frenetic release pace of Warhammer 40k, coupled with the competitive ITC format, the hobby is continuing to get held hostage still by GW. Read More