Floating Pestilence: Bloat Drone Lore

-Lore-40k-Death-gurad-bloat-drone-titleThe Nurgle Bloat Drone is one of the most plague-ridden Daemon engines to ever grace the grimdark of the far future!

Even though their codex is getting delayed, we wanted to show love to some of the coolest floating machines ever created! What is more Nurgle than a giant ponderous Daemon Engine slowly floating across the battlefield to give the pox to everyone? Get ready to float with the best of them and let’s learn about some lore!

Buzzing Turbines

Foetid Bloat Drone PostThese Daemon Engines provide a sort of aerial combat support for the Death Guard. We say sort of because they don’t really fly, more drift slightly off the ground scaring everything in sight. To say they are graceful would just be an insult. A set of giant turbines keep them where they want to be, just close enough to the ground to soak up the pox, but not encumbered by it.

The turbines are insanely powerful, mainly because they have to be as they constantly wade through endless clouds of flies to get wherever they are going. Nothing like a good old cloud of flies! Papa Nurgle would have it no other way.

On their laborious passage across the battlefield, they lay down supporting fire for the other members of the Death Guard. Sometimes at close range with disgusting plague weapons, and at times with long-range fire. Either way, you want these machines in your legions if you’re a lowly Plague Marine. Maybe the half-wits of the Imperium will just shoot them instead of you!

Possessed Entities

bloat droneNo one wants to be stuck in a machine all day, not even Daemons, maybe that has something to do with their terrible attitudes. The Daemons who possess these machines are far more aggressive than most Daemons of Nurgle. Some are so insane that they can’t even be trusted with any long-range weaponry. They simply let them charge headlong at the enemy and do what they will. Can’t have your own possessed machines destroying your own army…

When one can’t be trusted, they are fitted with Fleshmowers. If you are unsure of what they do, just look at the name again. They are giant metal blades filled with rust that just smash through enemy lines. While this may not be the most beautiful way to spread the love, it sure is effective.

That does it for this overview! Don’t worry though, you don’t have too much longer to wait for their new rules!

nurgle walLearn More About Bloat Drone & The Death Guard Here!